Coffee Break Demonstration Series - Webinar Recording Archive List
AEA's Coffee Break Demonstrations (CBD) are short 20 minute webinars by and for evaluators. If you are looking for the list of upcoming CBDs, click here. Click on the title of any CBD below to go to its full description and access its archived recording. You'll be prompted to sign in if you haven't already done so.
September 2015
CFB 224: Slide Clinic Part 3 of 4: Chart Redesigns for Evaluators
Stephanie Evergreen and Ann K. Emery
CFB 225: Causal Loop Diagrams for Conceptualization, Explanation, and Presentation
Jeff Wasbes
CFB 226: Slide Clinic Part 4 of 4: Delivery Tips for Evaluators
Stephanie Evergreen and Ann K. Emery
August 2015
CFB 221: Slide Clinic Part 1 of 4: Presentation Tips for Evaluators
Stephanie Evergreen and Ann K. Emery
CFB 222: Slide Clinic Part 2 of 4: Slide Redesigns for Evaluators
Stephanie Evergreen and Ann K. Emery
CFB 223: Network analysis: Data wrangling for evaluators familiar with SNA
Bobbi Carothers
July 2015
CFB 218 : Incorporating complexity into outcome chains and logic models
John Burrett
CFB 219 : From Pencil to Pixels: Keys to successful data dashboard design-build
Veronica Smith
June 2015
CFB 215 : Dispelling the Evaluator Mystique: Tools and Tips for Communicating with Non-Evaluators
Catherine Rains
CFB 216 : Evaluating Digital Media Impact: Audience vs. Advertiser Metrics
Dana Chinn
CFB 217 : Reporting and Sharing Rubric Data
Dana McCurdy
May 2015
CFD 213: An Approach to Adding Interactivity to PDFs to Enhance Evaluation Practice and Reporting
Nikole Lobb Dougherty
CFD 214: Developing an Evaluation Framework for a Complex Organization
Victoria Szydlowski
April 2015
CFD 209: Online Google Spreadsheets for Flexible Data Collection
Rose Hennessy
CFD 210: Visualizing with words: Qualitative interviewing using solution-focused contextual questions
Dr. Emily Spence-Almaguer
CFD 211: Rich pictures: using an effective Soft Systems Methodology tool in evaluation
Judy Oakden
CFD 212: Checklists for Improving Evaluation Practice
Lori Wingate
March 2015
CFB 205: Using tablets for data collection – lessons learned from field
Isaac Castillo & Samantha Greenberg
CFB 206: Conducting an on-site observation: Tip and tricks for observers
Kristin Everett
CFB 207: Conflict Resolution Tips for Evaluators
Jeanne Zimmer
CFB 208: Style Matters: Making Reports Into Page-turners
Christine Frank
February 2015
CBD 201: Design Thinking: What Is It and Why Should Evaluators Care?
Srik Gopal & Rosanna Tran
CBD 202: Introducing PowerPivot for Data Analysis
Lisa Holliday
CFB 203: Aligning Evaluation Data Collections Practices with Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDAS)
Christian Geckeler & Hannah Betesh
January 2015
CBD 198: Audience Engagement MORE Strategies for Potent Presentations
Sheila B. Robinson
CBD 199: Data Placemats: A Dataviz Technique to Improve Stakeholder Understanding of Evaluation Results
Veena Pankaj
CBD 200: Time-Saving Tips and Tricks for Low-Cost Data Visualization
Jessica Aungst Weitzel
December 2014
CBD: 197 Evaluation Made Easy: Creating Meaningful Toolkits; a Farm to School example
Dr. Lyn Kathlene
CBD: 196 Fundamentals of Good Evaluation Reporting
Anne Markiewicz
November 2014
CBD: 195 Utilizing NVivo for Research and Evaluation at Abt Associates
Dr. Lianne Fisman
October 2014
CBD: PowerCheck: A New Tool for Planning and Evaluating Community Organizing Readiness
Sue Hoechstetter
CBD: Using digital photography and journaling in evaluating field-based environmental education program
Nicole Ardoin, Maria Digiano, Kathleen O'Connor
CBD: Audience Engagement Strategies for Potent Presentations
Sheila B. Robinson, Ed.D
September 2014
CBD: 192: Ten tips for getting better value from monitoring and evaluation
Andrew Hawkins
August 2014
CBD 189: Visionary Evaluation: Personalizing Your 2014 Conference
Beverly Parsons, Matt Keene, Lovely Dhillon
CBD 191: Doing An Effective Search for a Literature Review:Saving Time and Money
Mathew Von Hendy
July 2014
CBD 185: Online Focus Groups
Sara Baughman
CBD 188: Is a Picture Worth A Thousand Literature Reviews?
Jack Scott
May 2014
CBD Special Series: How to Write an Article, Session 3- Conceptualizing Your Experience
George Julnes
CBD Special Series: How to Write an Article, Session 4- Submitting Your Article
Rachael Lawrence
CBD 182: Qualitative Data: Software Solution for the Evaluation Process
Stuart Robertson
CBD 183: Empowerment Evaluation's 21st Anniversary: Implications for Corporate Philanthropy, Education, Foundations, Government, Health, and Nonprofits
David Fetterman
April 2014
CBD 175: Fast Data: Technology solutions for faster, better quality M&E data
Megan Noel
CBD 176: Needs Assessment for Evaluation Capacity Building (ECB)
Julianne Manchester
Data Visualization in Executive Summaries
Nate Wilairat
CBD Special Series: How to Write an Article, Session 2- Linking Your Work to the Body of Knowledge in Your Field
Matt Von Hendy
March 2014
CBD 174: Tools to Secure Data on a Shoestring Budget
Teresa Doksum & Sean Owen
CBD Special Series: Session 1, What Journals Want
Thomas Schwandt
February 2014
CBD 173: Doing it virtually: Online tools for managing multisite evaluation
Audrey Rorrer
CBD172: Embracing paper free evaluation: Applications for tablet based data collection
Caren Oberg
CBD171: Experience in the Field: Things they don't teach you in school
Stan Capela
CBD170: Regression analysis for evaluation: Practical Considerations
Jeff Wasbes
January 2014
CBD169: Visualizing Process: How to Create a Stakeholder-friendly Graphic Timeline of Process Data
Artineh Samkian & Joelle Greene
CBD168: Big Data in Higher Education: Evaluators as Data Scientists
Stephanie Fuentes
________________________________________________________________________________________________________December 2013
CBD167: Gender-Based Violence in Evaluation
Tessie Catsambas
CBD166: Pocket Chart Voting- Engaging vulnerable voices in program evaluation
Kerry Zaleski
CBD165: Practical Strategies: Managing Counterproductive Behavior in Small Groups
Robert Kahle
November 2013
CBD 164: Using Slicers to View Data in Excel
Lisa Holliday
CBD 163 - InQuiry: Q Methodology for Participatory Evaluation
Matt Militello and Chris Janson
October 2013
CBD 162 - Rights Based Evaluation: Implications for Evaluation Questions
Donna Mertens
CDB 161 - Logic Models As Simple Pictures - and So Much More
Jonny Morell
CBD 160 - Using a Project Management Tool for your Evaluation Projects
Michelle Landry and Judy Savageau
September 2013
CBD 159 - Building Predictive Models in R
Ray DiGiacomo, Jr.
CBD 158 - How to combine Participatory Video and Most Significant Change - InsightShare
Soledad Muniz
CBD157 - Lean Thinking for Program Evaluation
Joyce Miller & Tania Bogatova
August 2013
CBD 156 - A Few Modern Strategies for Excellent Interviews
Geri Lynn Peak
CBD 155 -
Social Media Analysis - Network Metrics & Mapping Causal Dynamic Data
John Burrett
CBD 154 - All About Statistics Without Borders
Gary Shapiro
CBD 153 -
Simple Flexible Data Collection For Program Management and Evaluation
Jonathan Humphrey
CBD 152 -
Using Piktochart to Create Infographics for Evaluation
Jessica Weitzel
Sponsored by
Data Visualization & Reporting TIG
July 2013
CBD 151 - Program Design: A Big Picture Overview on Achieving Big Impact
John Gargani & Stewart Donaldson
CBD 150 - Importing Spreadsheet Data into Gephi to Perform Social Network Analysis
Simon Geletta
Sponsored by Social Network Analysis TIG
June 2013
CBD 149 - Understanding Evidence: CDC’s Tool to Support Evidence-Based Decision Making
Natalie Wilkins
Sponsored by Community Psychology TIG
CBD 148 - Acknowledging the “Self” in Developing Cultural Competency
Cindy Crusto & Osman Özturgut
CBD 147 - Evaluation and GIS: Data Basics
David Robinson
CBD 146 - A Brief Introduction to the 12 Steps of Evaluation Data Cleaning
Jennifer Morrow
Sponsored by Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG
CBD 145 - Developing a Project Concept & Pre-Proposal Preparation Strategies
Nicole Bowman
Sponsored by Independent Consulting TIG
May 2013
CBD144 - Manage an Evaluation (Open to the Public)
Kerry Bruce
Sponsored by BetterEvaluation
CBD143 - Report and Support Use of Findings (Open to the Public)
Simon Hearn
Sponsored by BetterEvaluation
CBD142 - Synthesise Data from One or More Evaluations (Open to the Public)
Patricia Rogers
Sponsored by BetterEvaluation
CBD141 - Understand Causes of Outcomes and Impacts (Open to the Public)
Jane Davidson
Sponsored by BetterEvaluation
CBD140 - Describe Activities, Results and Context (Open to the Public)
Irene Guijt
Sponsored by BetterEvaluation
CBD139 - Frame the Boundaries of the Evaluation (Open to the Public)
Patricia Rogers
Sponsored by BetterEvaluation
CBD138 - Define What Is To Be Evaluated (Open to the Public)
Simon Hearn
Sponsored by BetterEvaluation
CBD137 - Overview of Rainbow Framework for Evaluation (Open to the Public)
Irene Guijt
Sponsored by BetterEvaluation
CBD136 - Evaluate More Strategically
Efrain Gutierrez
April 2013
CBD135 - Evaluating Systems of Teacher Collaboration: A Framework for PreK-12 Evaluators
Rebecca Woodland
Sponsored by PreK-12 Educational Evaluation TIG
CBD134 - Crowdsourcing: What Is It, and How Can It Be Used in Evaluation Practice
Tarek Azzam
Sponsored by Integrating Technology into Evaluation TIG
CBD133 - Outstanding Evaluation Award Winner (2012)
Bernard Wood
March 2013
CBD132 - The Intersection of Evaluation and Strategy
Cassandra O'Neill
CBD131 - Outstanding Evaluation Award Winner (2010)
Beth Weitzman & Diana Silver
CBD130 - Visual Evaluation Methods: A Framework for Participatory Data Analysis
Melissa Cater
Sponsored by Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment TIG
February 2013
CBD129 - A Business Intelligence Approach to Local Capacity Building
Bo Yan
Sponsored by Cluster, Multi-site and Multi-level Evaluation
CBD128 - Writing a Winning Evaluation Proposal
Melanie Hwalek
Sponsored by Independent Consulting TIG
CBD127 - Easily Present Your Data: Automating the Transfer of Excel Charts to PowerPoint
Jennifer Bain
Sponsored by Data Visualization & Reporting TIG
CBD126 - Measuring Organizational Advocacy Capacity: An Assessment Tool
Susan Hoechstetter
Sponsored by Advocacy and Policy Change TIG
January 2013
CBD125 - OnTheMap: Evaluating Workforce and Economic Development Strategies
Nichole Stewart
CBD124 - Using a Network Survey in Evaluations: The College Access Network Example
Tania Jarosewich
Sponsored by College Access Programs TIG
CBD123 - Understanding Requests for Proposals (RFPs) as a Foundation to Developing a Funding Strategy
Nicole Bowman
Sponsored by Independent Consulting TIG
CBD122 - Storytelling for Evaluation of Development Initiatives
John Hecklinger
Sponsored by Community Psychology TIG
December 2012
CBD121 - Map It: Using Geographic Data & Tableau
Julie Lo & Peter Neely
CBD120 - Outstanding Evaluation Award Winner (2011)
Michael Coplen, Michael Zuschlag, Joyce Ranney, & Michael Harnar
CBD119 - Meaningful & Accessible: Presenting Results in Ways that are Useful to Clients
Laura Bloomberg
November 2012
CBD118 - The New Classroom Assessment Standards
Barbara Howard
Sponsored by PreK-12 Educational Evaluation TIG
Simple & Powerful Tool for Qualitative Analysis
Paul Dupuis
Sponsored by Qualitative Methods TIG
CBD116 - New Member Orientation
Susan Kistler
October 2012
CBD115 - Qualitative Data Analysis Using R
Lindsey Varner
Sponsored by Qualitative Methods TIG
CBD114 - Data Visualization in Microsoft Excel
David Shellard
Sponsored by Data Visualization and Reporting TIG
CBD113 - Image Grouping Tool
Rebecca Stewart
CBD112 - Ten Tips for Making the Most of the Annual Conference
Susan Kistler
September 2012
CBD111 - Using Optimal Design Plus for Planning Cluster Randomized Trials
Jessaca Spybrook
CBD110 - Rational Target Setting Methodology
Fotena Zirps & Katrina Brewsaugh
CBD109 - Working Through Complexity with Outcome Harvesting
Ricardo Wilson-Grau
August 2012
CBD108 - Tune-Up Your Presentation Skills
Kylie Hutchinson
CBD107 - International Evaluation: Working in an Asian Context
Cindy Banyai
July 2012
CBD106 - Evaluation Jitters Part Two: Managing an Evaluation
Alice Willard
Sponsored by: Catholic Relief Services, American Red Cross/Red Crescent, United States Agency for International Development, and AEA’s International and Cross Cultural TIG
CBD105 - SMILER: Simple Measurement of Indicators & Learning for Evidence-based Reporting (Available to all)
Guy Sharrock & Susan Hahn
Sponsored by: Catholic Relief Services, American Red Cross/Red Crescent, United States Agency for International Development, and AEA’s International and Cross Cultural TIG
CBD104 - Evaluation Jitters Part One: Planning for an Evaluation (Available to all)
Alice Willard
Sponsored by: Catholic Relief Services, American Red Cross/Red Crescent, United States Agency for International Development, and AEA’s International and Cross Cultural TIG
CBD103 - Monitoring & Evaluation Planning for Projects/Programs (Available to all)
Scott Chaplowe
Sponsored by: Catholic Relief Services, American Red Cross/Red Crescent, United States Agency for International Development, and AEA’s International and Cross Cultural TIG
June 2012
CBD102 - Building Capacity One Click at a Time: Online Evaluation Tools at
Amy Schaller
CBD100 - What Can I Do with the Visualization System Weave?
Georges Grinstein
Sponsored by: Data Visualization and Reporting TIG
CBD099 - Pro bono Evaluation: The Benefits to You, Your Client, and the Community
Leah Goldstein Moses
Sponsored by: Independent Consulting TIG
May 2012
CBD098 - Evaluative Thinking: The 'Je Ne Sais Quoi' of Eval Capacity Building & Practice
Tom Archibald & Jane Buckley
CBD097 - Framework for Focus Group Data Collection
Michelle Revels
CBD096 - Google Refine: Data now works!
Juan Paulo Ramirez
CBD095 - Activating Mental Velcro: Getting People Ready to Engage
Cassandra O'Neill & Amy Schaller
April 2012
CBD094 -Mixed-Mode Surveys: Combining Web, Phone, and Mail Modes in a Single Study
Lija Greenseid
CBD093 - What Facebook Insights Can Tell You about Your Social Media Presence
Robin Kipke
CBD092 - Stop Wrestling, Start Exploring with Tableau
Daniel Hom
CBD091 - Understanding Mexican Culture to Improve the Interview Experience with Mexicans
Efrain Gutierrez
March 2012
CBD090 - Introduction to Website Evaluation: First Steps
Andrew Hawkins
CBD089 - Using MS Excel to Develop Easy-to-Use GANTT Charts and Implementation Tracking Tools
Henry Anaya
Sponsored By: National Minority AIDS Council
CBD088 - Evaluation Theory Tree
Christina Christie
CBD087 - Dedoose: Online Tools for Managing & Analyzing Qualitative & Mixed Method Data
Eli Lieber
CBD086 - Community Feedback through Storytelling: Collection Methods
Britt Lake
Sponsored By: Community Psychology TIG
February 2012
CBD085 - Design & Build a Useful Data Dashboard on a Budget
Veronica Smith
CBD084 - Theory of Change Online: Introduction to Features and Use
Dana Taplin
CBD083 - Submitting an AEA Conference Proposal
Susan Kistler
CBD082 - University of North Carolina
Rita O'Sullivan & Johnavae Campbell
Sponsored By: Graduate Student and New Evaluators TIG
CBD081 - So You Want to Be a Consultant!
Gail Barrington
Sponsored By: Independent Consulting TIG
CBD080 - Changing the Evaluation Plan When Stuff Hits the Fan
Robin Kelley
Sponsored By: National Minority AIDS Council
January 2012
CBD079 - Information Visualization Throughout the Evaluation Lifecycle
Johanna Morariu & Veena Pankaj
Sponsored By: Data Visualization and Reporting TIG
CBD078 - Choosing the Optimal Survey Mode: A Comparison of Web, Phone, Mail or In-Person Surveys
Michelle Kobayashi
CBD077 - 5 Hints for Making Logic Models Worth the Time and Effort
Tom Chapel
December 2011
CBD076 - An Evaluator's Quick Start Guide to Usability Testing
Christine Paulsen
Sponsored By:
Distance Ed and Other Educational Tech
CBD075 - Automated Visual Displays Using Word and Excel
Ann Emery & Agata Jose-Ivanina
Sponsored By: Data Visualization and Reporting TIG
CBD074 - New Member Orientation
Susan Kistler
November 2011
CBD073 - Video in Evaluation: Incorporating Video into Evaluation Reports
Corey Newhouse
Sponsored By: Qualitative Methods TIG
CBD072 - Video in Evaluation: How to Get the Clips You Want
Corey Newhouse
Sponsored By: Qualitative Methods TIG
October 2011
CBD071 - Differences Between Benefit-Cost Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
Phaedra Corso
CBD070 - University of Minnesota
Jean King & Stacy Johnson
Sponsored By: Graduate Student and New Evaluator TIG
CBD069 - What’s in the Cultural Competence Toolbox?
James Griffith & Elise Laorenza
Sponsored By: Multiethnic Issues in Evaluation TIG
CBD068 - Social Network Analysis: A Brief Introduction
Kimberly Fredericks
Sponsored By: Social Network Analysis TIG
CBD067 - Program Design: The New Frontier for Evaluators?
John Gargani
Sponsored By: Program Theory and Theory-Driven Evaluation TIG
September 2011
CBD066 - Fuzzy Logic Models
Matt Keene & Chris Metzner
Sponsored By: Program Theory and Theory-Driven Evaluation TIG
CBD065 - Western Michigan University
Chris Coryn & Jason Burkhardt
Sponsored By: Graduate Student and New Evaluator TIG
CBD064 - Measuring Institutional Capacity for Sustainability: A Tool to Consider
Mark Bardini
Sponsored By: Organizational Learning-Evaluation Capacity Building TIG
CBD063 - Data Screening: Don't Leave Home Without It
Dale Berger
Sponsored By: Quantitative Methods: Theory and Design TIG
CBD062 - Easy as Prezi: A PowerPoint Alternative
Lyn Paleo
Sponsored By: Data Visualization and Reporting TIG
August 2011
CBD061 - Designing Casual Loop Diagrams
Jeff Wasbes
Sponsored By: Systems in Evaluation TIG
CBD060 - Claremont Graduate University
Stewart Donaldson & John Lavelle
Sponsored By: Graduate Student and New Evaluator TIG
CBD059 - Construct Validity of Race & Its Impact on the Quality of Research
Kelly Robertson & Diane Rogers
Sponsored By: Multiethnic Issues in Evaluation TIG
July 2011
CBD058 - University of California, Los Angeles
Tina Christie & Lisa Dillman
Sponsored by: The Graduate Student and New Evaluator TIG
CBD057 - Miradi Software: Tools, Guidance, and a Common Language for Evaluating Conservation Actions
Nick Salafsky
Sponsored by: Environmental Program Evaluation TIG
June 2011
CBD056 - Culturally Responsive Evaluation
Maurice Samuels & Erika Taylor
Sponsored by: Multiethnic Issues in Evaluation TIG
CBD055 - Using Remark Web Survey for Online Data Collection & Analysis
Steve Joslin
CBD054 - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Jennifer Greene & Ayesha Boyce
Sponsored By: Graduate Student and New Evaluator TIG
CBD053 - What Story Does your Model Tell?
Lisa Wyatt Knowlton & Cynthia Phillips
CBD052 - Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Health and Human Services Programs
Edward Broughton
May 2011
CBD051 – Effective Alternatives to a Final Report
Kylie Hutchinson
Sponsored By: Data Visualization and Reporting TIG
CBD050 - Measurement & Analysis: The Missing Link
Kathy McKnight
CBD049 - Fewer Errors, Faster Results: Automating Tables and Reports
Humphrey Costello, Reese Jenniges & Eric Canen
April 2011
CBD048 - Involving Stakeholders in Data Analysis & Interpretation
Tobi Mae Lippin, Kristin Bradley-Bull & Tom McQuiston
Sponsored By: The Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment TIG
CBD047 - Utilization-Focused Evaluation
Michael Quinn Patton
Sponsored By: Evaluation Use TIG
CBD046 - What are Nonparametric Statistics and When Do You Use Them?
Jennifer Catrambone
CBD045 - The New - and Improved - Advocacy Progress Planner
David Devlin-Foltz and Alexandra Toma
Sponsored By: Advocacy and Policy Change TIG
March 2011
CBD044 - Collaborative Evaluation
Rita O'Sullivan and Liliana Rodriguez-Campos
Sponsored By: Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment TIG
CBD043 - Participatory Evaluation
Ann Zukoski and Mia Luluquisen
Sponsored By: Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment TIG
CBD042 - Empowerment Evaluation
David Fetterman and Abraham Wandersman
Sponsored By: Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment TIG
February 2011
CBD041 - Using Remark Office OMR for Scanning and Analysis of Paper Forms
Nora Petchkofski
CBD040 - Adding the LGBT Response Option to Questionnaires
Joe Heimlich
Sponsored By: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Issues TIG
CBD039 - Developing Evaluation Reports That Are Useful, User-friendly, and Used
Tamara Walser
Sponsored By: Data Visualization and Reporting TIG
CBD038 - Submitting an AEA Conference Proposal (Available to all)
Susan Kistler
January 2011
CBD037 - Photo Journaling for Evaluation
David Urias & Olga Pierrakos
CBD036 - Evaluating Data Visualizations
Steve Fleming
December 2010
CBD034 - Path to AEA Leadership
Stan Capela
October 2010
CBD032 - Leveraging MAPAS to Examine Census Data for Evaluation
Jeremy Pyne
CBD031 - Tracking Reader Clicks to Evaluate Communications
Susan Kistler
CBD030 - Tips for Having Your Evaluation Influence Government Policy
George Grob
Sponsored By: Government Evaluation TIG
September 2010
CBD029 - Using PhotoVoice to Engage Stakeholders in Empowerment Evaluations
Kimberly Kay Lopez
CBD027 - Evaluation Surveys Using SurveyGizmo
Mario Lurig
August 2010
CBD026 - Ten Tips for Making the Most of the Annual Conference
Susan Kistler
CBD025 - New Approaches to Reporting Evaluation Findings
Eric Graig
Sponsored By: Evaluation Use TIG
CBD024 - Using Universal Design To Make Your Evaluation More Accessible To People With Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Populations
Jennifer Sullivan Sulewski
Sponsored By: Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Populations TIG
July 2010
CBD023 - You + Graphic Design = Love/Money/Happiness
Stephanie Evergreen
Sponsored By: Evaluation Use TIG
CBD022 - Three Ways MyM&E Can Help You in Your Work in Development Evaluation
Marco Segone
Sponsored By: IOCE, UNICEF and DevInfo
CBD021 - New Member Orientation
Susan Kistler
June 2010
CBD020 - Tools and Tips for Teaching Evaluation Concepts to Non-evaluators
Ellen Taylor-Powell
Sponsored By: Extension Education Evaluation TIG
CBD019 - Surveymonkey and Zoomerang: How Do You Choose Which One to Use?
Lois Ritter and Tessa Robinette
Sponsored By: Integrating Technology Into Evaluation TIG
CBD018 - Introduction to Using Geographic Information Systems for Evaluation
Duncan Meyers
May 2010
CBD017 - Using Wordle for Qualitative Data Exploration, Idea Generation, and Reporting
SaraJoy Pond and Susan Kistler
CBD016 - What Works in Education: The Research Design Standards of the What Works Clearinghouse
Neil Seftor
Sponsored By: PreK-12 Educational Evaluation TIG
CBD015 - What Works in Education: Using the What Works Clearinghouse Website
Scott Cody
Sponsored By: PreK-12 Educational Evaluation TIG
CBD014 - Making the Most of Your Membership for Graduate Students and Novice Evaluators
Susan Kistler
Sponsored By: Graduate Student and New Evaluators TIG
April 2010
CBD013 - Data in, Brilliance Out with Tableau
Nina Potter
CBD012 - Using Google Earth for Evaluation: Applications in Environmental Evaluation and Beyond
Juan Paulo Ramirez
Sponsored By: Environmental Program Evaluation TIG
CBD011 - Moving Beyond Bullets: Making Presentation Slides Compelling
John Nash
CBD010 - Using Google Wave for Improved Communication with Colleagues and Stakeholders
Stephanie Evergreen
March 2010
CBD009 - Using the Advocacy Progress Planner
Lisa Molinaro and Astrid Hendricks
Sponsored By: Advocacy & Policy Change and Nonprofits & Foundations TIGs
CBD008 - Using AEA's Resources to Find Jobs and Contracts
Susan Kistler
February 2010
CBD006 - Using Jing for Teaching and Learning
Theresa Murphrey
Sponsored By: Teaching of Evaluation TIG
CBD005 - Tools for Evaluation Teaching and Training: Approaches to Introducing the Concept of Evaluation
José María Díaz Puente and Michael Newman
Sponsored By: Teaching of Evaluation TIG
CBD004 - Submitting an AEA Conference Proposal
Susan Kistler
January 2010
CBD003 - Using Many Eyes for Data Visualization
Leslie Goodyear
CBD002 - Using the Fantastic Five Checklist to Write Better Survey Questions and Improve Survey Reliability
Amy Germuth
CBD001 - Building Stakeholder-Friendly Visual Logic Models With DoView 2.0
Paul Duignan
Recording Coming Soon!
CBD101: Making Evaluation Findings “Actionable” to Improve Practice - Natalie Wilkins & Jennifer Lockman
Scheduled: Thursday, June 21, 2012, 2:00 - 2:20 PM EDT
Making sure evaluation findings and lessons learned are used to improve practice is a challenge many evaluators face. This webinar will describe a four-step framework that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Division of Violence Prevention has begun to use for making important (but sometimes inaccessible) research and evaluation findings “actionable” to improve practice. A brief case study example from a suicide prevention evaluation will also be presented to illustrate how the framework can be used to turn evaluation findings into concrete, actionable tools to support practice.