While the recordings from our Coffee Break Webinar series are normally members-only, the American Evaluation Association is pleased to make this set from July of 2012, and focusing on M&E, available to the public. Thanks to our co-sponsors - Catholic Relief
Services, American Red Cross/Red Crescent, United States Agency for
International Development, and AEA’s International and Cross Cultural
TIG for helping to make this happen!
Monitoring & Evaluation Planning for Projects/Programs - Scott Chaplowe
Description: This
webinar is part of a four-part series on monitoring and evaluation. In
this Coffee Break, Scott Chaplowe will provide concise guidance to
develop and implement an M&E system for project planning,
implementation, and evaluation. The webinar covers the key components of
a M&E system that trace a logical train of thought from the
project’s theory of change to the specific objectives needed for these
changes, methods for measuring change, and protocols for collecting and
analyzing data and information.
Evaluation Jitters Part One: Planning for an Evaluation - Alice Willard
Description: This
webinar is part of a four-part series on monitoring and evaluation.One
of the challenges with evaluations is that staff often think the work to
prepare for an evaluation is completed with the basic scope of work. As
a result, evaluators often arrive to conduct an evaluation and find
that some basic data organization and prep work have not been done,
adding stress, misunderstandings, and cost to the evaluation. This
Coffee Break will introduce The Pre-Evaluation Guide, which provides
several easy steps to help prepare for an evaluation, from basic
document management through logistics organization.
SMILER: Simple Measurement of Indicators & Learning for Evidence-based Reporting - Guy Sharrock & Susan Hahn
Description: This
webinar is part of a four-part series on monitoring and evaluation. To
be successful projects must lean towards an adaptive management style
and all staff must have a clear understanding of the project monitoring
system and their role in its implementation. Yet few manuals exist on
the nitty-gritty task of how to set up a monitoring system. CRS has
created an approach to setting up a project monitoring system – SMILER –
that includes mechanisms to turn data into useful knowledge that
informs project learning and decision making whilst maintaining a focus
on achieving results and reporting accomplishments. By emphasizing
project monitoring, SMILER seeks to balance the need for project staff
to seek and listen with the more formal obligations of evaluation to
quantify and prove. The presentation will introduce SMILER and some
useful tips of turning M&E rhetoric into practical reality.
Evaluation Jitters Part Two: Managing an Evaluation - Alice Willard
Description: This
webinar is part of a four-part series on monitoring and evaluation. Once
an evaluation begins, the evaluation team needs a key organizational
contact. This contact is often a junior staff person assigned to
'manage' the evaluation process. Rather than a technical or a senior
manager, this contact's job can include helping smooth logistics
(setting up meetings), providing routine communication to the
organization's management about the progress of the evaluation, and also
serving as the 'go to' for challenges and opportunities that come up
during an evaluation. This webinar will introduce The Managing an
Evaluation Guide, which provides several tips on how to schedule and
organize the evaluation team.