Power point slides to accompany the think tank session on how to measure the impact of social media on achieving foundation and nonprofit outcomes
AEA 2013 SMM think tank presentation VJDconsulting_RWJF.ppt
The operating environment of programs aiming to impact social conditions is changing
3 attachments
See matching library entry files - Evolution of Approaches to Measure Impac...
Abstract: Social media use is growing among organizations seeking to have social impact. Social media is becoming a well-established platform for community engagement, yet we are still in the early stages of understanding how best to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of online and social media efforts, which often require going beyond traditional evaluation methods and technologies
AEA2011_EvaluatingEngagement_FINAL_for AEA.pdf
As a field, we continue to explore how to measure the impact of D/SM strategies on longer-term goals such as shifts in the public narrative or cultural norms
AEA2014_Evaluating Digital and Social Media Strategies to Advance Policy and Systems Change_Public.pdf
Three presentations to AEA 2016 Conference (Session ID: 2280) - New Approaches to the Design and Evaluation of Global Programs to End Modern Slavery: Establishing an Evidence Base and Understanding What Works #SocialImpact #Eval2016 #HumanRights #AEA2016Conference #FreetheSlaves ...
See matching library entry files - Data Analytics in Modern Slavery - Social ......Thi...
Slides from the 2013 AEA professional development workshop: Introduction to Outcome Mapping: A framework for considering complexity, relationships and context in monitoring and evaluating social change. By Kaia Ambrose and Simon Hearn #QualitativeMethods #AdvocacyandPolicyChange ...
aea slides for sharing1.pptx
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The purpose of this roundtable will be to share how issues of social justice are intentionally woven into a graduate course on program evaluation theory. The substance of what is taught, as well as the pedagogy of how it is taught, will aim to expose students to social justice as it relates to...
This paper’s purpose is to describe an innovative longitudinal survey to advance the validity of evaluation efforts for disciplines in higher education institutions that are under pressure to increase the vocational aspects of their programs. A lack of understanding about how majors search for...
The PowerPoint of this presentation by Steven E. Mayer, Ph.D., Director, Effective Communities Project, introduced by Ricardo Millett, Millett and Associates. Part of the 2012 Presidential Strand. The narrative is included in the Notes for each slide. Presentation Abstract: This...
The Choices We Make.10-26-2012.NotesEmbedded.pptx
Working with vulnerable populations raises questions of reciprocity: as evaluators, we acquire information from communities, but what are we giving back? In this session, the presenter will demonstrate how a community consultation was structured in a way that not only collected data from...
Eval2015-Reciprocity in Research.pptx