The PowerPoint of this presentation by Steven E. Mayer, Ph.D., Director, Effective Communities Project, introduced by Ricardo Millett, Millett and Associates. Part of the 2012 Presidential Strand. The narrative is included in the Notes for each slide. Presentation Abstract: This Presidential Strand session is designed as an hour and half session designed to challenge evaluation practitioners to consider the meaningfulness of our work is a world than is growing increasing complex along ‘racial, ethnic, class, religious, economic and other socio-political lines’. The ‘racial fault-line’ is perhaps the most complex (and sensitive) of these to address constructively in a professional evaluation setting dedicated as we are to gathering and analyzing data to inform policies, practices and programs to shape a better society. Nonetheless, race has become an increasingly potent driver of social inequity, of exclusion, of access and of not too subtle hatred in our political discourse. How do we deal with this reality as professional evaluators in the ‘choices’ we make? How can we deal with race, whatever our own background to better understand the different dimensions of the ecologically diverse social environment in which we practice and its effects on ‘objectivity’ and the opportunities we have to inform program and policy practices? Steve's presentation will be followed by response by Ricardo Millett, who will 'tee up' an audience discussion frame by the following questions:The following four questions should help us ground a useful discussion: 1. What do you (in the audience) think of a more partisan role for evaluation in the challenge to improve conditions in society? Would you embrace it or oppose it? 2. Should considerations of racial or any other ‘injustice’ influence your approach to practice? Why or Why not? 3. What experiences have you (in the audience) had in pursuing more far-reaching recommendations, such as in the realm of policy? 4. What ethical principles govern the choices you make in your professional practice and how do they align with AEA’s#DiversityandInclusion #ResearchonEvaluation #InternalEvaluation #EvaluationPolicy #AdvocacyandPolicyChange #MixedMethodsEvaluation #socialjustice #2012Conference #RicardoMillett #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #racism #StevenMayer #MultiethnicIssuesinEvaluation #SystemsinEvaluation #Publicpolicy #HowTo #EvaluationUse #utilization