This presentation was part of a Think Tank session (#225) at AEA 2011 facilitated by Katelyn Mack and Ellen Martin of FSG. Abstract: Social media use is growing among organizations seeking to have social impact. Social media is becoming a well-established platform for community engagement, yet we are still in the early stages of understanding how best to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of online and social media efforts, which often require going beyond traditional evaluation methods and technologies. This Think Tank session will provide a rich discussion of why and how to evaluate online engagement using accessible social media analysis tools. We will discuss the effectiveness of different methods for understanding and evaluating engagement, such as online polling and sentiment analysis. We expect participants to leave the session with a greater understanding of the different tools and platforms for evaluating online engagement and how we can best evaluate related longer-term outcomes and impact in a meaningful, consistent way. #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #socialmedia #fsg #2011Conference #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #communityengagement #AdvocacyandPolicyChange