Discussing a “real-world” case example which utilized a multi-method approach (including GIS methods) to evaluate a collaborative community-based project which aims to increase physical activity in high-crime low-income neighborhoods
Using GIS in Evaluation - Eval Institute 2010 Handout.doc
The purpose of this presentation was to disseminate evaluation findings from a multi-methods evaluation of increasing child care providers' knowledge around newly adopted nutrition and physical activity regulations for all licensed child care facilities in Delaware
2011 AEA Presentation_Paper.pptx
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Evaluation methods included a) focus groups with providers to assess needs and gain feedback on training materials and design; b) surveys that assessed satisfaction with the training, provider knowledge on regulations and whether practice changes occurred; and c) additional focus groups with parents to understand their needs related to nutrition and physical activity. This session will address the ways in which this project integrated feedback from different perspectives in real time, maximizing the potential for the training to have an impact on Delaware children
AEA 2011 Panel Presentation_FINAL.pdf
At follow up, users of SBHCs experienced greater satisfaction with their health, lower emotional discomfort, more physical activity, and greater consumption of healthy food than nonusers
AEA 2009 Lichty, McNall & Mavis, Final.pdf
Projects implement physical activity and healthy eating components, including a policy/advocacy component
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See matching library entry files - Examine the Entire Policy Process � To contribut...
Grantees implement physical activity and healthy eating projects in rural and urban settings in Missouri
AEA 2012 Poster 106_Does rurality matter in partnership development.pdf
Case studies were completed for initiatives that aimed to create healthier worksites and increasing physical activity in schools
FINAL Case Studies Presentation.pdf
Jernigan, is a Senior Evaluator in the Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity at CDC
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Presentation Abstract: Twelve City of Chicago agencies led by the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) have utilized an Inter-departmental Task Force on Childhood Obesity (IDTF) to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity in Chicago. A participatory evaluation of the task force was used...
Research suggests that multilevel interventions which combine direct education with policy, systems and environmental (PSE) efforts are more effective at generating behavior change. Maryland SNAP-Ed, also known as the Food Supplement Nutrition Education (FSNE) Program, has directed its...
FINAL AEA 2016 presentation.pdf