Resources for Students and New Professionals

Welcome Graduate Students & New Evaluators!

On this page, you will find resources intended to help you throughout your graduate degree program or if you are a mid career professional transitioning to the field.  This page has four categories: Career Resources, Evaluation Training, Finances, and Finishing School Quickly.  Each category has links followed by parentheses that indicate who that source is intended for.  Some of these resources will redirect you to other websites outside of AEA.  

What is evaluation? Evaluation means different  things to different people. These seasoned  evaluators explain what it means to them in these  YouTube clips:

Elena Harman: Evaluation Needs a Rebrand; Michelle Molina: Connecting Evidence

Members are eligible for textbook publishing discounts.  When logged in as a member on, find the members tab then select “Publishing Discounts” to find the corresponding discount.  In addition, AEA members receive free online access to current and previously published content from The American Journal of Evaluation, New Directions for Evaluation, Evaluation Review and Evaluation and the Health Professions for their personal use.  

If you find any additional resources, please contact the TIG Leadership. so that we can keep the content of this page current and relevant! 

Career Resources

Evaluation Training


Finishing School Quickly