Get involved with GSNE TIG on Social Media through Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn
Also, AEA offers various blog posts (AEA 365), particularly relevant to graduate students or new evaluators.
General AEA Resources Available to all members
Apart from the GSNE TIG, you can join up to four more. For more information, look at AEA TIGs.
The Digital Knowledge Hub features past AEA conference recordings, including plenary sessions. There is a wide array of professional development classes that you can take at your own pace.
The Digital Knowledge Hub also holds the collection of past Coffee Break Series. During coffee breaks, members can interact and learn about the various task forces, initiatives, and programs AEA is developing.
The AEA "Online Resources" page contains links to many other evaluation resources hosted on the website.
AEA also is home to two journals: New Directions for Evaluation and the American Journal of Evaluation.
Other Evaluation Professional Organizations
Apart from the American Evaluation Association, dozens of regional associations and organizations form the Local Affiliate Collaborative.
Member Pages, Blogs, and Other Tools
Please check out this curated list of Evaluator Blogs & Twitter Profiles