Job Search Resources

Welcome to the Graduate Student and New Evaluator TIG’s repository of job search resources for evaluators. Many of these sites are not specific to evaluation, but often post links to jobs in or related to evaluation. 

Additionally, many jobs that include evaluation as a responsibility do not have “evaluator” in the job title. You may find the following keywords helpful when searching these databases: Evaluation, Evaluator, Monitoring, MEL, MEAL, Program Analyst, Research Associate, Technical Advisor, Statistician, Data Scientist, Behavioral Scientist, Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), Capacity Building, Quality Assurance, Survey, Data Collector, or other field-specific terms related to evaluation and assessment.

You may also want to join AEA’s LinkedIn group and visit the AEA Career Center’s Job Search Resource Center, which contains valuable resources on resume writing, interviewing, career advancement, navigating digital presence, and career coaching.

Evaluation Internship and Fellowship Programs

Evaluation Job Sites

Nonprofit and US Government Job Sites

Finding Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

There are also a range of commercial RFP finding services, which Matthew Von Hendy discusses in this AEA365 post.

International Development Job Sites

For more job boards related to international development, visit PCDN’s World's Top List of Job Sites in Social Change & Social Impact.

General Job Search Sites

Additional Career Resources

In addition to the job search resources already listed, you may find the following sites useful as you search for jobs, update your resume or CV, and prepare for interviews: