Existing definitions and models of systems change are reviewed, and practical challenges of systems change evaluation will be discussed. Meta-evaluation information will be used to identify the kinds of changes that occur when systems change efforts have been successful.Finally, efforts to assess within the context of ongoing systems change evaluation projects are discussed, and the use of a new assessment tool is introduced. Information from the fields of developmental disabilities, education, and substance abuse will be used as examples #ResearchonEvaluation #Systems #2009Conference #SystemsinEvaluation #Evaluation2009 #TheoriesofEvaluation #Change #efforts #HowTo #evaluating
AEA systems change 11 08 09.doc
Recently, strands of several frameworks have been combined into a global logic model framework to guide systemic change efforts. These include: a) The Route to Success framework (PADDC, 2009) for effecting systems change that includes improving the knowledge base, selecting social strategies, engaging stakeholders, supporting policy entrepreneurs, and using unexpected events (or “tipping points”); b) a model for change (Newman & Lobosco, 2008) that identifies four domains of successful systems change–policies and procedures, infrastructure, design and delivery of services, and expectation of outcomes and experiences; and c) Scheirer’s (2010) delineation of four dimensions of sustainability (individual, organization, community and population) that emphasizes concepts or programmatic philosophy rather than funding. These strands, when braided together, form a logic model framework useful for education and human services programs with systems change intents. The purpose of this paper is to summarize the strands, define the logic model, and provide examples of use
AEA2011 logic model framework.pdf
PowerPoint Presentation to support think tank discussion of the same name held at Evaluation 2010 #2010Conference #of #EvaluationPolicy #Systems #evaluation #Change
membership satisfaction and collaborative functioning) and distal outcomes (e.g., behavior change). However, there is a growing understanding of the process by which coalitions contribute to distal outcomes that now includes creating systems/community changes. These systems/community changes appear to be intermediate outcomes needed to influence long-term outcomes of improvement in health and well-being for the community
Building Coalition and Evaluator Evaluation Capacity to Measure FINAL AEA shared file.pptm
Attached is the power point presentation given at AEA 2016 (in case you missed this Panel session on Saturday 10/29 at 7am)! This presentation reviews the evaluation of the Arizona Kinship Support Services (AKSS) Program, funded from 2012-2015 by a Children's Bureau Family Connections/TANF...
Case Study of a Kinship Navigation Demonstration Grant in Arizona_10-29-2016.pdf
This paper proposes an evaluation method and framework using an evidence‐informed theory of change. The proposed theory of change can be used to guide the evaluation of the effectiveness of implemented performance measurement systems or to inform the design of new systems
A framework for evaluating the effectiveness of PMS Powers.pdf
Evaluation in complex dynamic systems requires nimble adaptation, timely feedback, and special attention to phenomena like emergence, nonlinearity, and dynamical changes. As the author of the primary book on DE and as a regular trainer in DE, I receive reports from practitioners about the challenges they are facing and questions they are struggling with. This session will address those emergent issues and challenges with special attention to how to design and budget for developmental evaluations given the emergent and dynamic nature of DE, how to deal with the potentially overwhelming amount of data that can be collected to document rapid changes, and how to manage relationships with social innovators and funders, among others
State of Developmental Eval AEA 2013.pdf
As we recognize the chaotic nature of today’s world and the emergence of Chaos Theory it begs the question of how we best utilize the linear Logic Model vis-à-vis a world that seems to change with each sunrise
LM Sys Thinking 11.10.09.ppt
It's subtle, but can you see the difference between these two evaluation questions? "What are the top needs of our stakeholders?" and "What are the best opportunities for our program?" The first calls for a traditional needs assessment. The second is what I call a "Needs Assessment Plus," which...
SWOT AEA presentation.pptx
Here are three resources on using a systems-orientation to evaluation from the presession that Meg Hargreaves and I conducted at the 2009 Conference about evaluating complex system interventions. I'm posting the powerpoint slides we used, a set of questions that help build a systemic orientation...
3 attachments
See matching library entry files - Facilitating organization change...