Attached is the power point presentation given at AEA 2016 (in case you missed this Panel session on Saturday 10/29 at 7am)! This presentation reviews the evaluation of the Arizona Kinship Support Services (AKSS) Program, funded from 2012-2015 by a Children's Bureau Family Connections/TANF Kinship Navigation grant. This project was a multi-sector collaboration of a non-profit agency, legal and advocacy services, and state TANF and child welfare agencies. The overall goal was to enhance community and government systems, improving service access and outcomes of children and their kinship caregivers. The evaluators developed a mixed methods evaluation design to assess project implementation and outcomes at both the family and systems level. The presenter provided an overview of the project, evaluation design, and data collection instruments developed: a caregiver pre/post survey; staff/partner interviews; an outreach and systems activity log completed by program staff; and collection of administrative data through data sharing agreements with state TANF and child welfare partners. The presenter reviewed project outcomes from data collected and discussed strengths and challenges of this evaluation design.#ChildWelfareSystems #2016Conference #Eval2016 #AEA2016Conference #MixedMethodsEvaluation #KinshipNavigationServices