Power point slides to accompany the think tank session on how to measure the impact of social media on achieving foundation and nonprofit outcomes
AEA 2013 SMM think tank presentation VJDconsulting_RWJF.ppt
The number of social media formats, tools and analytic applications has increased exponentially of late. To employ social media effectively to support their advocacy efforts, organizations need to be able to evaluate: โซ the various types of social media and how to use them โซ the advantages/disadvantages of each โซ what analytical data could reveal โซ how programs can use this data to improve their efforts A review of the literature shows that analytic tools and how-to publications fall short in providing sufficient evaluative guidance that would enable programs to make the most of social media in their campaigns. To address this need, the Center for Evaluation & Research and the California Youth Advocacy Network will demonstrate the features of their new social media evaluation guide and illustrate how organizations can move beyond basic analytics to deeper insights about how social media data can inform their programs
Follow Me, Friend Me, Tweet Me_FINAL1.pptx
This presentation was part of a Think Tank session (#225) at AEA 2011 facilitated by Katelyn Mack and Ellen Martin of FSG. Abstract: Social media use is growing among organizations seeking to have social impact. Social media is becoming a well-established platform for community engagement, yet we are still in the early stages of understanding how best to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of online and social media efforts, which often require going beyond traditional evaluation methods and technologies. This Think Tank session will provide a rich discussion of why and how to evaluate online engagement using accessible social media analysis tools. We will discuss the effectiveness of different methods for understanding and evaluating engagement, such as online polling and sentiment analysis
AEA2011_EvaluatingEngagement_FINAL_for AEA.pdf
Session Description: In a world powered by social media, a new kind of organizational form has developed, the Networked Nonprofit. Allison Fine will describe this new entity and discuss the particular challenges and exciting new opportunities for measuring the use of social media by organizations of all types. We will follow the bouncing ball of new relationships and connections created through social media in order to better understand the ways that digital media are shaping social change efforts
Digital and social media strategies (D/SM) are increasingly being used by organizations in the social sector as a way to advance advocacy and policy change goals
AEA2014_Evaluating Digital and Social Media Strategies to Advance Policy and Systems Change_Public.pdf
#Assessment #2012Conference #Measurement #socialcapital #recruitmentandretention #surveyresearch
The operating environment of programs aiming to impact social conditions is changing. Initiatives that address education, health, community development, and safety face funding challenges due to a struggling economy. Post-funding sustainability is a concern. Social enterprise, which combines the...
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See matching library entry files - Performance Measurement in Gove...
Three presentations to AEA 2016 Conference (Session ID: 2280) - New Approaches to the Design and Evaluation of Global Programs to End Modern Slavery: Establishing an Evidence Base and Understanding What Works #SocialImpact #Eval2016 #HumanRights #AEA2016Conference #FreetheSlaves ...
See matching library entry files - We have monitoring information on key indicators...
Working with vulnerable populations raises questions of reciprocity: as evaluators, we acquire information from communities, but what are we giving back? In this session, the presenter will demonstrate how a community consultation was structured in a way that not only collected data from...
Eval2015-Reciprocity in Research.pptx
Slides from the 2013 AEA professional development workshop: Introduction to Outcome Mapping: A framework for considering complexity, relationships and context in monitoring and evaluating social change. By Kaia Ambrose and Simon Hearn #QualitativeMethods #AdvocacyandPolicyChange ...
aea slides for sharing1.pptx
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