From the AEA 2011 session: Methods in Evaluating Advocacy Efforts: Grantmakers' Perspectives
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See matching library entry files - Taking the Measure of Role And Contribution A Mi...
POSTER: The Advocacy for Better Health Project is a five-year initiative (June 2014–May 2019) funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) with an estimated budget of US$20 million
Designing evaluation indicators to assess the impact of policy.pdf
Digital and social media strategies (D/SM) are increasingly being used by organizations in the social sector as a way to advance advocacy and policy change goals
AEA2014_Evaluating Digital and Social Media Strategies to Advance Policy and Systems Change_Public.pdf
Projects implement physical activity and healthy eating components, including a policy/advocacy component. This paper discusses the application of PolicyLift, a comprehensive, evidence-based tool designed to assess the strength and comprehensiveness of obesity prevention policy language
See matching library entry files - What We Assessed The Healthy &Active Communities...
Have you wondered how it can fit into policy and advocacy evaluation? This demonstration session will showcase how media tracking was used in a developmental policy evaluation that examines the placement of early childhood development in the Monterey County, CA policy landscape
AEA 2014 - Media Tracking_FINAL.pdf
Abstract: Evaluators are increasingly being asked to examine complex and dynamic social and environmental change initiatives that call for equally dynamic approaches to evaluation. Developmental evaluation offers new ways to think about and approach evaluation to support and accommodate emergent...
See matching library entry files - 12 Strategies Collaboration Equity-focused Envir...
This paper describes the use of the Outcome Harvesting approach to evaluate a global voluntary network. It is the second paper published as part of the BetterEvaluation writeshop series. The authors are Kornelia Rassmann, Richard Smith, John Mauremootoo and Ricardo Wilson-Grau. The reviewers...
Annually, over 3.8 million sports and recreation-related concussions occur in the United States. Youth athletes represent a large portion of the injured, and some obtain catastrophic injuries or die due to improper evaluation or management. Currently, 9 states have passed laws that require the...
20111027_RTP_AEA Presentation_v4 1_Final.pdf
Session 583: Developing Indicators for Environmental and Policy Change Initiatives Presentation #1: Method and Process of Identifying Indicators of Obesity for the Community Transformation Grants Context Scan by Reid Hogan-Yarbro, Catherine Lesesne, and Robin Soler Presentation #2: Developing...
Session 583 Developing Indicators for Environmental and Policy Change Initiatives.pptx