This paper describes the use of the Outcome Harvesting approach to evaluate a global voluntary network. It is the second paper published as part of the BetterEvaluation writeshop series. The authors are Kornelia Rassmann, Richard Smith, John Mauremootoo and Ricardo Wilson-Grau. The reviewers were Irene Guijt and Willy Pradel. The paper discusses three aspects of evaluation practice: 1. How Outcome Harvesting, complemented by interviews, was employed as a practical way to identify and evaluate the (sometimes unanticipated) outcomes of an extensive network 2. What was undertaken to ensure validity and credibility of the outcomes met the needs of the primary intended users of the evaluation 3. How the challenges of using a time-intensive methodology in a time-deficient situation were addressed.#OutcomeHarvesting #OutcomeMapping #EvaluatingthePerformanceofanOrganization #NetworkEvaluation #EvaluatingPolicyInfluenceandAdvocacy