POSTER: The Advocacy for Better Health Project is a five-year initiative (June 2014–May 2019) funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) with an estimated budget of US$20 million. The project’s goal is to improve the quality, accessibility, and availability of health and other social services by enhancing the capacity of citizens and civil society organizations (CSOs) to advocate effectively. The focus is on advocacy for increased investment and accountability by decision-makers in order to improve the quality and availability of essential health and social services in 35 target districts in Uganda. PATH includes robust monitoring and evaluation in every effort. To that end, the Advocacy for Better Health team needed an evidence based approach to evaluate progress toward project goals. First, they developed a theory of change and results framework to define a clear link between intermediate results and the overall goal. Building on these tools, they developed appropriate and data-based indicators to assess progress and success.#Asinguza #AdvocacyIndicators #Publicpolicy