Idaho’s legislative Office of Performance Evaluations recently issued an evaluation report on reducing barriers to postsecondary education. The report discusses access, readiness, and affordability as the three most common barriers
Reducing Barriers to Postsecondary Education1.pdf
Abstract: When evaluating public policies that promote postsecondary education, evaluators must not forget to assess the practical realities of those policies
AEA 2013 -- Connecting the Dots.pptx
AEA 2011 Presentation In order for course evaluations in postsecondary education to be appropriately valued, the process and instruments need to support effectively different evaluation goals
Individual presentation from AEA Conference 2012 Panel Session #199: Evaluating Programs Targeted for Populations with Disabilities Title: Applying a Standards-Based Conceptual Framework to the Evaluation of an Inclusive Postsecondary Education Program for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities - description of the use of the Think College Standards to evaluate the ACE-IT in College program (Academic and Career Exploration: Individualized Techniques) at Virginia Commonwealth University
The Postsecondary Education Programs Network (PEPNet) was a collaborative of four regional centers whose mission was to improve services and educational access to those who are deaf and hard of hearing, including those with co-occurring disabilities
Rewey 2012AEA UniqueEvalNeeds.pdf
(AEA 2010 Session 879: Online Learning in Adult and Postsecondary Education: Theory and Practice) This paper describes an evaluation of an online training program developed with National Science Foundation funding (WGBH’s FETCH!
Evaluation of FETCH_Paulsen.pdf
Presentation Abstract: In October 2010, the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) awarded 27 institutes of higher education (IHE) grants to fund the creation of model Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSIDs)
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See matching library entry files - [image: image1.png] Transition Programs for Stud...
The Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) is a free, six-week residential science enrichment program offered to rising college sophomores and juniors of minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged background who are interested in attending medical or dental school. This...
Presentation at AEA 2013 - Multipaper Session 6; Session Title: Evaluation Design Considerations for Vulnerable Populations; Sponsored by the Disabilities and Other Vulnerable Populations; Wednesday, Oct 16, 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM #BroadeningParticipationResearch #2013Conference ...
2013-10-16_RDESP BPR AEA presentation FINAL.pdf
For multipaper Session 843 to be held in Bonham B on Saturday, November 13th. This paper is designed to generate discussion on the evaluation design and selected findings of an urban career and technical education program, Project Jumpstart, that was designed as an innovative 2+2+2 model for...
Educational Career Pathway Programs.pdf