Presentation Abstract: In October 2010, the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) awarded 27 institutes of higher education (IHE) grants to fund the creation of model Transition Programs for Students with Intellectual Disabilities (TPSIDs). The 27 TPSID grantees will create or expand programs that focus on academics, social activities, employment experiences, and independent living for students with intellectual disabilities. Evaluating what works and does not work is a key component of each grant; in addition, a National Coordinating Center has been tasked with both providing technical assistance to individual TPSID grantees and completing a national evaluation of the program. Toward both these ends, the Coordinating Center has used web-based database technology to establish a national dataset across all TPSID sites to ensure consistency in collection of data across sites. This dataset, which is based on both the Think College Standards and the GPRA measures for the TPSID program, is a repository of both student-level and program-level data for each TPSID. In addition to being used by the Coordinating Center for the national evaluation, the system also serves as a data management system for each individual TPSID. #DisabilitiesandOtherVulnerablePopulations #DiversityandInclusion #2012Conference #Postsecondaryeducation