Ignite presentation slides Bernadette Wright, Ladel Lewis, Steven E. Wallis, and Izolda Fotiyeva. A Two-Phase, Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating and Improving an Innovative Program Model: The PAC-Involved Evaluation. Ignite Presentation, STEM Education and Training track. Evaluation 2015 ...
A Two-Phase, Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating.pdf
This PowerPoint is from the session Sara Vaca and I presented at the AEA 2016 Conference entitled " Innovative Ways to Represent a Theory of Change." Please feel free to contact either of us by email (info provided on last page of slide deck) for purposes of discussion or attribution. ...
Presenting ToC - Dhillon Vaca FINAL Oct 2016.pptx
Theory of Change Analysis (ToC analysis) is a key instrument for verification of a project logic and assessment of project results. It is a crucial element of evaluation required by multilateral agencies and international organizations, for instance, UNEP, UNDP, and WWF The trainers use a...
AIMS presentation_AEA 2016_final.pptx
One-page handout about Meaningful Evidence's evaluation of the Howard University PAC-Involved project, a STEM Education Topical Interest Group Exemplar Evaluation for the American Evaluation Association 2015 Conference (Chicago, November 2015). #SystemsinEvaluation #ProgramDesign ...
PAC-Involved Evaluation handout AEA2015.pdf
Poster for AEA 2015 Authors: Izolda Fotiyeva, Bernadette Wright, Ladel Lewis, & Steven E. Wallis Our aim is to demonstrate a new conceptual systems science method to assess and compare program models/theories. Previous studies have applied Integrative Propositional Analysis to assess theories...
poster theory visualization.pdf
Poster for AEA2015 To engage “Internet Generation” (born post-2000) students in STEM, we need new pedagogical models. For the PAC (Physics, Astronomy, and Cosmology)-Involved pilot project, we developed and tested an innovative learning model to engage under-represented high school students in...
poster new model.pdf
Sherif, V & Nash, J. B. Considering organizational communication in program evaluation to improve process and outcomes The success of evaluation conducted in cross-disciplinary environments is dependent upon attention to such steps as articulation and alignment of goals, the setting of...
Considering organizational communication in program evaluation to improve process and outcomes.pdf
This panel looks at how a program-theory model has been developed and used in an evaluation of an initiative designed to transform schools by assisting high schools in the development of 12th-grade capstone courses in math and science. We highlight the program model from which we have designed a...
3 attachments
Expansion of poster presentation content. #PaulaMAdams #bystanderintervention #PaulaAdams #2013Conference #selfdeterminationtheory
AEA 2013 poster handout.pdf
This report provides a detailed description of an evaluation, written by Judy Oakden, as part of the first BetterEvaluation writeshop process, led by Irene Guijt. Peer reviewers for this report were Carolyn Kabore and Irene Guijt. Excerpt: Independent external evaluators generally have to...