An AEA local affiliate tested a study group model of professional development in which organizers did not have high expertise at the beginning
Testing an Unusual Model of Professional Development.pdf
Participants in an interdisciplinary conference were invited to complete two successive post-conference surveys and randomly assigned to one of two groups at each time point. The experimental group received a message asking them to complete an online survey that highlighted a descriptive social norm indicating typical response rates among attendees of prior similar conferences. The control group received a generic request to complete the online survey without any norm-based appeals
AEA 2010-Synopsis and List of Resources-2.docx
This evaluation employed a Responsive Evaluation (Stake, 2004) approach in order to determine the programs outcomes, as well as the perceived values of the stakeholder (i.e. students, parents, and staff) most intimately involved with a school based mental health (SBMH) program. The results of...
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See matching library entry files - Interesting addition to study not in original pr...
Slides from presentation at Eval 2012 by Gene Roehlkepartain of the Search Institute, Ned Lazarus of George Mason University, and Lisa Inks of IREX. Youth interventions often seek to increase young people’s positive community engagement and strengthen fundamental life skills, including...
Measuring Results International Youth Leadership Interventions.pdf
A primary goal of research training programs is to increase the number of qualified researchers in a particular discipline or methodology. Training program evaluations tend to examine applicant and awardee characteristics, award rates, and short-term research outcomes such as subsequent...
Literature reviews are essential in many evaluation projects to document major themes, methods, and findings from an inter-related body of work. Reviews have evolved from narrative summaries , systematic reviews, and meta-analyses. Today literature reviews are evolving through the use of data...
Session Description: Case Study Methods allow evaluators to approach program assessment from a powerful and flexible design palette. While often heavily steeped in the use of qualitative methods, case studies also may include the use of quantitative data. The approach is particularly rich for...
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See matching library entry files - DESIGN YOUR CASE STUDY: OSullivan AEA-CDC Case S...
Includes materials from both presentations. Case study method has enormous potential to inform evaluations of school- and district-based educational programs specifically, as the institution of public schools in the United States represents a unique and diverse structure that compels careful...
See matching library entry files - Program components include: 90-minute instructio...
Powerpoint slides for presentation "Development of a Program Maturation Model using a Multiple Case Study Approach." Evaluation 2009, Multipaper Session 611: Qualitative Methods in Healthcare Settings Co-Authors: Glover-Kudon, R., DeGroff, A., Boehm, J., Preissle, J., & Rohan, E. #case ...
Development of a Program Maturation Model.ppt