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Eval12 Session 109: "It Changed My Life" - Measuring Results of International Youth Leadership Interventions 

10-29-2012 12:09

Slides from presentation at Eval 2012 by Gene Roehlkepartain of the Search Institute, Ned Lazarus of George Mason University, and Lisa Inks of IREX. Youth interventions often seek to increase young people’s positive community engagement and strengthen fundamental life skills, including communication, leadership, and conflict resolution skills. How can evaluators measure such hard-to-define changes in youth? Panel Presentation Abstract: Youth interventions often seek to increase young people’s positive community engagement and strengthen fundamental life skills, including communication, leadership, and conflict resolution skills. How can evaluators measure such hard-to-define changes in youth? This panel will present four case studies illustrating diverse approaches to measuring youth development outcomes. Ned Lazarus will present research examining the long-term effects of the Seeds of Peace program for Israeli and Palestinian youth. Daniel Oliver will share his experience using randomized controlled trials to evaluate an International Youth Foundation empowerment intervention in Kenya. Lisa Inks will share tools from a mixed-method evaluation of an IREX peacebuilding program in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Gene Roehlkepartain of Search Institute will present the Developmental Assets Profile and his process of applying it internationally to measure youth well-being. Panelists will share common challenges and successes, inviting discussion on what does and doesn’t work in evaluating youth attributes and programming.

#LongitudinalStudy #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #2012Conference #YouthFocusedEvaluation #Youth #DevelopmentalAssetsProfile

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