Altschuld, Hsin-Ling Hung & Yi-Fang Lee Presentation Workshop: Most evaluators have been involved in a needs assessment (NA) but are not too familiar with how to get them started to enhance the likelihood of getting results used
NA skill building workshop AEA 2012.pdf
Needs Assessment (NA) is commonly conducted by agencies or institutions for assessing needs related to program improvement or the provision of services
Methodological_Issues_in_Needs_Assessment_AEA_2011_Hung & Altschuld.pptx
This document focuses on using an evaluation for a needs assessment. Copyright 2008 The Pennsylvania State University #ExtensionEducationEvaluation #NeedsAssessment #HowTo #Assessment #Needs
Tipsheet 87.pdf
In response, needs assessments offer numerous process tools to help guide individual and group decisions. In this session we will focus on how two tools, multicriteria analysis and pair-wise comparison, can be applied in your needs assessment or evaluation to guide decision-making
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#model #NeedsAssessment #experience #user #Assessment #mental #Needs #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference
Poster Handout on Mental Model for Needs Assessment.pdf
It is our hope that this paper will generate discussions about using alternative assessment tools and the need for growth information in school accountability related to special needs populations
High Stakes Tests.doc
#2009Conference #SpecialNeedsPopulations #adolescent-parenting-programs #evaluation-settings #HumanServicesEvaluation #Evaluation2009 #context
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See matching library entry files - Evaluating a Pregnant and Parenting Program for ...
Handouts from the session. Abstract: This session will present the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center's (NSTTAC) Evaluation Toolkit. We begin with an overview of NSTTAC's capacity-building model and how data-based decision-making is used to improve outcomes of students...
7 attachments
See matching library entry files - Data-based decision making represents the concep...
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Juvenile justice-involved adolescents entering substance abuse treatment tend to have multi-faceted family problems, and treatment programs often rely on these same families to provide direct sobriety support for their adolescent. Outpatient programs, where three-quarters of these youth are...
Francis J-Families on the Border 11-3-2011.pptx
#CampusSafety #eval14 #NeedsA #Crime #2014Conference #GIS #dataviz #GeographicInformationSystems
AEA 2014 Campus Safety - Data Visualization 101014 mmf notes.pdf