Presentation by James W. Altschuld, Hsin-Ling Hung & Yi-Fang Lee Presentation Workshop: Most evaluators have been involved in a needs assessment (NA) but are not too familiar with how to get them started to enhance the likelihood of getting results used. This entails that the facilitator of a NA does reconnaissance, cultural auditing, etc before formally assessing discrepancies. Then it is critical to form a needs assessment committee (NAC) to guide the process and lay the groundwork for translating needs into action plans. The above procedures are often glossed over in the rush to collect and analyze data. The workshop begins with a three-phase model of NA with emphasis on Phase 1(Pre-Assessment). From there it goes into what happens at the beginning of a NA and establishing the committee, its functions and membership, and making it work effectively. Participants will be given a realistic scenario and individually and in small groups devise a plan for going into Pre-Assessment.#HowTo #2012Conference #needsassessmentcommittee #NeedsAssessment