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Empowerment Evaluation in Context: Tools for Determining Impact of State Capacity Building for Increasing Outcomes of Students With Disabilities 

11-16-2009 15:57

Handouts from the session. Abstract: This session will present the National Secondary Transition Technical Assistance Center's (NSTTAC) Evaluation Toolkit. We begin with an overview of NSTTAC's capacity-building model and how data-based decision-making is used to improve outcomes of students with disabilities. We will follow with an illustration of the Evaluation Toolkit and our strategies to empower SEAs and LEAs to self-evaluate the activities, outputs, and outcomes of their capacity building plans. Examples from the toolkit include checklists, surveys, focus group and interview protocols, database techniques, and examples of capacity building tools in five areas: student-focused planning, student development, family involvement, interagency collaboration, and program structures. The session concludes with a discussion of the challenges to building a data-driven approach for improving outcomes for students with disabilities across a variety of state and local contexts. Participant questions and feedback will be welcomed at the conclusion of the demonstration.

#DiversityandInclusion #Instruments #HowTo #Evaluation2009 #Collaborative,ParticipatoryandEmpowermentEval #SpecialNeedsPopulations #2009Conference #DisabilitiesandOtherVulnerablePopulations

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NSTTAC Capacity Building Model.doc   143 KB   1 version
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NSTTAC Evaluation Handouts.pdf   566 KB   1 version
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NSTTAC Evaluation Toolkit .pdf   657 KB   1 version
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NSTTAC Taxonomy Planning Tool.doc   399 KB   1 version
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Reporting Outcomes.doc   37 KB   1 version
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sample Transition Services Database.xls   35 KB   1 version
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Smilies for surveys.doc   35 KB   1 version
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11-16-2009 16:06

Download the entire NSTTAC Evaluation Toolkit with instruments at the link included below.