How do foundations create meaningful and realistic evaluations that capture progress toward strategic goals? How does an evaluation design process incorporate best practices in the field and foundation strengths? How can an evaluation limit the burden on grantees? How does an evaluation...
Raimi+Associates_Cal Wellness AEA final_2016.pdf
This presentation was given at Eval16 by Jared Raynor, TCC Group; Denise Herrera, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; and Lisa Frantzen, TCC Group. In this panel presentation we discussed: 1) How RWJF shifted its evaluation focus from accountability to learning and prioritized rapid cycle learning ...
AEA 2016_RCL panel slides 11.20.2016_FINAL.pdf
The Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) is a free, six-week residential science enrichment program offered to rising college sophomores and juniors of minority and socioeconomically disadvantaged background who are interested in attending medical or dental school. This...
This poster presented at AEA 2014 displays the results of an exploratory study, in which we examined the grant awards made by the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Education and Human Resources that were intended to advance evaluation knowledge and practice among STEM educators and...
Presentation at AEA 2013 conference as part of the panel titled: "Evaluation rubrics: What, why, and how" with Jane Davidson, Monica Pinto and Michael Scriven. The panel was designed to help participants understand what evaluation rubrics methodology is, why it is so important, and some tips for...
AEA'13 - Apres Thomaz 2013-10-18.pdf
This paper explores the creation of a set of common indicators to measure a set of National Science Foundation (NSF) alliance programs. It draws from indicator frameworks developed for Broadening Participation and for Informal Science Education and initiates a conversation on reporting similar...
Evaluating Alliance Programs.pdf
Slide show from expert lecture presentation Saturday a.m. at Evaluation 2009. How the funder of evaluation can facilitate better cooperation among program and evaluation staff. #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #foundation #2009Conference #utilization #EvaluationUse ...
funder slide show.ppt
Industry norms for evaluation in philanthropy barely exist; various approaches abound. Since the late 1990's, calls for evaluation in philanthropy have ignited a frenzy of activity. Theory driven approaches to evaluating complex social change efforts, dashboards and performance metrics, and...
Kuo AEA 2009 Innovating Eval 111009b.pdf