The questions themselves are a work in progress and feedback very welcome #complex #Systems #SystemsinEvaluation #methods #Complexity #2010Conference #Systems-thinking
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See matching library entry files - Not to be reproduced without permission ...
Presentation and related publications on scaling up a reproductive health innovation, using a systems oriented approach, based on a 5 year prospective study in five countries
See matching library entry files - T H E O R Y A N D P R A C T I C E and Monitoring...
Presentation at Session 910 'Systems Thinking Evaluation Tools and Approaches for Measuring System Change' #complexinterventions #2011Conference #SystemsinEvaluation #monitoringchangeprocesses
The panelists presented (1) the history, development, and context of the network surrounding the evaluation capacity building initiative; (2) the evaluation capacity building initiative and its implementation within the complex system of the NISE Net; and (3) a summary of the results of the initiative using case studies from two different levels of the network. The discussants will discuss (1) the relationships between the network system and evaluation capacity building and (2) the implications of the findings for the field of evaluation. The panel ended with the opportunity for attendees to raise questions or offer their own observations on evaluation capacity building in complex systems. #Systems #ECB #evaluationcapacitybuilding #ResearchonEvaluation #complexadaptivesystems #2015Conference
2015 AEA CASNET combined slides.pptx
To supplement, the authors will present survey results from other new-to-CTSA evaluators regarding their promising practices for understanding evaluation within these complex systems. #DataVisualizationandReporting #westaby #newevaluators #CTSAs #moody #HowTo #learning #Poster #GovernmentEvaluation #learningprocesses #2013Conference #ResearchonEvaluation #HealthEvaluation #complexsystems #learningaboutevaluation #TeachingofEvaluation #NeedsAssessment #CTSA #SystemsinEvaluation #health
FINAL Poster_10_4_13.pdf
In Brazil, efforts to combat social and educational inequalities have included its recent policy to universalize education. A complementary, non-governmental effort by the Roberto Marinho Foundation (RMF) seeks to reach non-responsive or difficult-to-reach populations through a non-traditional...
See matching library entry files - The Poronga Project was a state level interventi...
The purpose of the Army School for Command Preparation (SCP) - Tactical Commander Development Program is to instruct new Brigade and Battalion Commanders in leadership and tactical skills prior to taking over a new command. In the past a Pre - Post Course Survey using nominal 1 - 5 item...
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