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CTSA Evaluation is No Piece of Cake: Evaluators' Recipes for Learning about Clinical and Translational Science Award Institutes 

10-21-2013 13:26

Evaluators entering the world of Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) institutes are often struck by the complexity of evaluating these institutions. Each CTSA encompasses several cores, or research service providers (i.e., drug discovery and development, biomedical informatics, or community engagement), with drastically different focuses and, therefore, indicators of progress. Annually, evaluators are challenged with developing integrated reports for the National Institute of Health using data collected in the diverse CTSA cores. This poster presentation will first display how two new-to-CTSA evaluators tackled the task of understanding CTSAs. The presenters will share their introspective feedback regarding learning effectiveness for tasks such as networking, conference calls, previous grant application reviews, and site visits. To supplement, the authors will present survey results from other new-to-CTSA evaluators regarding their promising practices for understanding evaluation within these complex systems.

#DataVisualizationandReporting #westaby #newevaluators #CTSAs #moody #HowTo #learning #Poster #GovernmentEvaluation #learningprocesses #2013Conference #ResearchonEvaluation #HealthEvaluation #complexsystems #learningaboutevaluation #TeachingofEvaluation #NeedsAssessment #CTSA #SystemsinEvaluation #health

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