Using An Evaluation For A Need Assessment:Tipsheet #87, University Park, PA: Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document is part of a series of Tipsheets that contain practical evaluation illustrations based on current research and developed by Nancy Ellen Kiernan at Penn State Cooperative Extension. This document focuses on using an evaluation for a needs assessment
Tipsheet 87.pdf
The head start needs assessment national analysis project is a case of the second situation. This presentation begins with an overview of the context and then proceeds into methodological issues and concerns encountered by conducting needs assessment in a national context. Lessons learned through the example case will be discussed
Methodological_Issues_in_Needs_Assessment_AEA_2011_Hung & Altschuld.pptx
This entails that the facilitator of a NA does reconnaissance, cultural auditing, etc before formally assessing discrepancies. Then it is critical to form a needs assessment committee (NAC) to guide the process and lay the groundwork for translating needs into action plans
NA skill building workshop AEA 2012.pdf
Since GAIN family context data is limited, the evaluators undertook a client record review of rich narrative notes completed by clinical staff following intensive intake interviews with clients and family members. These data on family problems and strengths are matched with treatment outcomes to generate the nuanced understanding of families necessary to develop a recovery-oriented model of care
Francis J-Families on the Border 11-3-2011.pptx
#2009Conference #SpecialNeedsPopulations #adolescent-parenting-programs #evaluation-settings #HumanServicesEvaluation #Evaluation2009 #context
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See matching library entry files - 6 Keener - Implications of Evaluating Parenting ...
#CampusSafety #eval14 #NeedsA #Crime #2014Conference #GIS #dataviz #GeographicInformationSystems
AEA 2014 Campus Safety - Data Visualization 101014 mmf notes.pdf
A foundation of successful interventions (projects, policies, etc.) is that we make decisions about "what" before decisions about "how". Yet all of us frequently make less-than-optimal decisions for lots of reasons - such as a lack of time, limited knowledge of options, or reliance on preferences over evidence
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See matching library entry files - George Washington University www.NeedsAssessment...
This document contains some of the content that will be displayed with a poster of the same title at the AEA 2009 conference. It includes several of the poster elements including the: abstract, information about the case study organization used to demonstrate the use of the mental model diagram (DASH of DC), the key to the diagram, photos and photo description, a "process" diagram with key terms identified, challenges for evaluators section, references, and the authors' contact information. The entire poster, including the main component of the poster, the mental model diagram, will be posted as a PDF following the conference poster session
Poster Handout on Mental Model for Needs Assessment.pdf
The session concludes with a discussion of the challenges to building a data-driven approach for improving outcomes for students with disabilities across a variety of state and local contexts
7 attachments
See matching library entry files - Technical assistance supports implementation of ...
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Citation: Kiernan, Nancy Ellen & Matason, Ronald A. (2001). Do Participants Have Disabilities?
Tipsheet 9.pdf