Three presentations to AEA 2016 Conference (Session ID: 2280) - New Approaches to the Design and Evaluation of Global Programs to End Modern Slavery: Establishing an Evidence Base and Understanding What Works #SocialImpact #Eval2016 #HumanRights #AEA2016Conference #FreetheSlaves ...
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Lesson learned from an evaluation of youth programs in India. Presented by Jocelyn Michelsen, MA, MPA and Corey Newhouse, MPP #Eval2016 #2016Conference
The materials from the AEA 2016 Session 2040: Conducting Propensity Score Matching and Survival Analysis to Predict Recidivism for a Home Visitation Program Evaluation: Case Study, and Applying Results are attached below. In this session, the presenters discussed the process of conducting a...
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The Children’s Trust invests over $100 million in services for children and families in Miami-Dade. Providers are selected through competitive solicitations, and performance is tracked regularly across 3-year cycles. This session will demonstrate how The Trust overhauled its contract performance...
Re-designing Funder Program Evaluation....pptx
As evaluators, we often fear changing the behavior of the participants of the program we are evaluating by putting metrics around their activities. An example is the use of publications in measuring the "success" of an investigator and influencing tenure decisions and the skyrocketing number of...
Attached is the power point presentation given at AEA 2016 (in case you missed this Panel session on Saturday 10/29 at 7am)! This presentation reviews the evaluation of the Arizona Kinship Support Services (AKSS) Program, funded from 2012-2015 by a Children's Bureau Family Connections/TANF...
Case Study of a Kinship Navigation Demonstration Grant in Arizona_10-29-2016.pdf
Presentation from panel session entitled, Mapping Collaboration: Identifying Past, Present, and Future Partnerships. #Eval2016 #Collaboration #AEA2016Conference #CTSA #mapping
AEA 2016 conference revised.pptx
Eval 2016 Session: Human Service personnel are often focused on the necessity of attending to funder and regulatory requirements and the immediate need of serving their clients. These daily rigors allow little time for reflection or staying cognizant of the relevant academic literature and...