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Re-designing Funder Program Evaluation and Information Design in Support of Program Quality and Outcomes 

11-16-2016 13:27

The Children’s Trust invests over $100 million in services for children and families in Miami-Dade. Providers are selected through competitive solicitations, and performance is tracked regularly across 3-year cycles. This session will demonstrate how The Trust overhauled its contract performance review system to better support a continuous learning and quality improvement framework with two purposes: 1) to evaluate program progress and 2) to identify program strengths and needs while providing supports, resources and follow-up. First, we will describe the guiding principles and lessons learned as we implemented a participatory development and change process involving staff, providers and board. Then we will offer an overview of the system’s evaluation components and web-based tracking tools. By taking a collaborative, reflective approach, The Trust applied design and evaluation to engage stakeholders in meaningful practices that generate actionable steps to improve program quality and success, and ultimately improve the lives of children and families.

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Uploaded - 11-16-2016
PowerPoint used during the Re-designing Funder Program Evaluation and Information Design in Support of Program Quality and Outcomes session at AEA Conference 2016