Materials from the session "Developmental Evaluation as an Equity Tool to Shift the Funder-Grantee Power Dynamic" presented by Anjie Rosga and Theresa Esparrago Lieu of Informing Change (Berkeley, CA) at AEA 2018. #2018Conference #Eval18 #developmentalevaluation
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How do foundations create meaningful and realistic evaluations that capture progress toward strategic goals? How does an evaluation design process incorporate best practices in the field and foundation strengths? How can an evaluation limit the burden on grantees? How does an evaluation...
Raimi+Associates_Cal Wellness AEA final_2016.pdf
This presentation was given at Eval16 by Jared Raynor, TCC Group; Denise Herrera, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation; and Lisa Frantzen, TCC Group. In this panel presentation we discussed: 1) How RWJF shifted its evaluation focus from accountability to learning and prioritized rapid cycle learning ...
AEA 2016_RCL panel slides 11.20.2016_FINAL.pdf
This is the PowerPoint deck from our session on the use of HSD and DE in the evaluation of an arts-based community development initiative in Minneapolis, MN #CreativeCityMaking #HumanSystemsDynamics #developmentalevaluation
AEA CCM presentation.pptx
Description of pilot study to inform design of developmental math courses, and two unexpected findings that might affect student retention and pass rates in developmental math courses. #DevelopmentalMathematics #2015Conference
Session: Puzzles, problems and messes: insights and reflections on generating evidence based principles from developmental and adaptive evaluation practice in innovative and complex settings Presentation: Listening to stories of struggle and hope: Generating evidenced-based guiding principles...
Murphy--AEA 2014--Puzzles and Principles.pdf
Title: Using Developmental Evaluation to Address Uncertainty from a Systems Perspective Abstract 3: This presentation will discuss how three developmental evaluations addressed issues of uncertainty. The studies took place in different settings: (1) a University-based public/private...
In an era of rising accountability, retention rates of graduate programs have come under scrutiny and student affairs professionals are being asked to help graduate students at increasing rates. In particular, Graduate Higher Education has done little to assess and understand graduate students'...
AEA 2014 Poster: Fitting Developmental Evaluation Concepts into Government Evaluations: Our Journey from Objective Outsider to "Critical Friend" #2014Conference #TAACCCTs #GovernmentEvaluation #developmentalevaluations
Paper presentation at AEA 2013 Conference. ABSTRACT: Developmental Evaluation (DE) requires the evaluator to assume a relatively new and unique role when compared to more traditional evaluation approaches. The DE role encompasses far more than the basics of data collection and analysis; the...