Session: Puzzles, problems and messes: insights and reflections on generating evidence based principles from developmental and adaptive evaluation practice in innovative and complex settings Presentation: Listening to stories of struggle and hope: Generating evidenced-based guiding principles for helping youth overcome homelessness Abstract: Youth who are homeless have little control over what happens to them. They are in the midst of their own individual journeys: past trauma, present struggles, and hopes for the future. How do providers meet the diverse needs of these youth on their journey out of homelessness? This presentation focuses on the developmental evaluation in which six organizations collaborated to address youth homelessness in a major urban center. The organizations collaboratively identified nine shared principles based on their existing missions, visions, values, and/or philosophy statements. This collaborative principles-driven approach was based on the assumptions that youths' different needs are met differently by various agencies and that what constitutes effective programming varies from person to person. Nora Murphy (, 773-613-9622), Terraluna Collaborative#developmentalevaluation #Principles #homelessness #2014Conference #SystemsinEvaluation #Youth #YouthFocusedEvaluation #Systems #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding