Presented at AEA 2013 as part of a session with Michael Scriven (as discussant) and Thomaz Chianca and Monica Pinto presenting a case study to illustrate
2013-10 AEA Intro to Rubrics - what why how.pdf
This presentation, by Thomaz Chianca, demontrated the main steps required to develop high-quality rubrics using the example of a recent evaluation of a educational program by a major foundation in Brazil - the Futura Channel/Roberto Marinho Foundation
AEA'13 - Apres Thomaz 2013-10-18.pdf
Multipaper Session 738: Impact Evaluation and Beyond: Methodological and Cultural Considerations in Measuring What Works ABSTRACT: Rubrics are important tools to describe evaluatively how well an evaluand is doing in terms of performance or quality related to specific dimensions, components...
TChianca AEA'10 FMCSV PDI 2010-11-05.pdf
#RubricsMethodology #EvaluationandProgramDesign #2016Conference #Rubrics
Apresentacao_Geracao_Movimento_ALTERACOES MM..pdf
A slide show to present the Heifer Impact Evaluation Model, lessons learned from its application in the past five years, and a reflection about its relevance to the field of international development as an alternative to experimental designs.Heifer International has reached millions of families...
Chianca - Heifer Impact Eval.pdf
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AEA announces its 2012 awards recipients #AEAawards #OutstandingEvaluation #Lazarsfeld #2012Conference #Communications #Myrdal #Guttentag
Presentation at AEA 2011 session #822 highlighting what's new in the 2nd edition of the RealWorld Evaluation book #2011Conference #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #TheoriesofEvaluation #RealWorldEvaluationbook
822 What's new in RealWorld Evaluation 2nd edition.pptx
PowerPoint presentation plus condensed overview of the new RealWorld Evaluation book (to be published by Sage in December). In graduate school, you might have learned how to do research using randomized control trials. Then you were asked to design an evaluation of a “real” program. But, what if...
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - —Gary Miron, Western Michigan University “The bo...
PowerPoint used for RealWorld Evaluation workshop in Minneapolis October 24, 2012. Note: this version includes a "bonus section" on unanticipated consequences of development interventions and a few thoughts on evaluating complex development interventions. Workshop Description: How can you...
RealWorld Evaluation workshop AEA 2012.pptx
PDF of the Evaluation 2009 Program, sans covers due to size, as it went to print. #2009Conference #Communications #program #Evaluation2009 #Communications #Conference