PowerPoint presentation plus condensed overview of the new RealWorld Evaluation book (to be published by Sage in December). In graduate school, you might have learned how to do research using randomized control trials. Then you were asked to design an evaluation of a “real” program. But, what if there was no comparative baseline data on the project participants and people from the same population had not been randomly assigned to treatment and control groups? Now, what if the client won’t allocate sufficient time – or money – to conduct what you feel would be a properly rigorous evaluation? How can you conduct adequately valid evaluations under such circumstances? Welcome to the real world of program evaluation! This workshop will explore the approaches advocated in the new 2nd edition of the popular RealWorld Evaluation book. The authors will share personal examples from their own extensive international experiences and, through participatory processes, attendees will engage with techniques that help evaluators and clients ensure the best quality evaluations possible in spite of RealWorld constraints. You will learn: The seven steps of the RealWorld Evaluation approach; How to identify and assess various design options - and select what’s best or feasible under the circumstances; How to identify and address threats to the validity or adequacy of evaluation designs; How to reconstruct baseline data when needed; How to evaluate complex programs where conventional evaluation designs can’t be applied. #HowTo #2011Conference #RealWorldEvaluationworkshop