Multipaper Session 738: Impact Evaluation and Beyond: Methodological and Cultural Considerations in Measuring What Works ABSTRACT: Rubrics are important tools to describe evaluatively how well an evaluand is doing in terms of performance or quality related to specific dimensions, components and/or indicators. Even though extremely useful to synthesize and communicate evaluative conclusions, its adoption as part of evaluations of complex interventions seems to be quite limited. This paper will discuss the main methodological aspects involved in the development and use of rubrics in the context of an impact evaluation: (i) values identification, (ii) description of standards to score performance or quality, (iii) definition of data collection strategies, (iv) development of tools for data entry and analysis, (v) dealing with causal attribution strategies, and (vi) communicating findings. The external impact evaluation of an early childhood intervention, supported by the Maria Cecília Souto Vidigal Foundation in six municipalities in São Paulo (Brazil), will be discussed as the case study for this session.#evaluation #Methodology; #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #Rubrics #2010Conference #Impact