Handouts for Internal Evaluation Roundtable session, "Challenges and Benefits of an Internal Evaluator: Defining Roles and Responsibilities for Optimal Effectiveness"
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I shared why I love being an internal evaluator at a community-based non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. #Non-ProfitsandFoundationsEvaluation #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #InternalEvaluation #Ignite #Youth #2012Conference #LatinAmericanYouthCenter #AnnKEmery #YouthFocusedEvaluation #organizational-learning #internal evaluation
Panel presented at the 2013 AEA Conference Chair and Discussant: Suzanne Markoe Hayes Presenters: Frances Reyes, Krystal Gibson, and Bree Hemingway #InternalEvaluation #database #realtiimemonitoring #MixedMethodsEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #Non...
Internal evaluators encounter risks but also significant opportunities to strengthen organizational and professional ethics. Potential contributions depend, in part, on the conjunction of ethics and evaluation in the role of the internal evaluator as the person specially commissioned to investigate value and render judgment based on evidence gathered
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Increased delivery of social services, government initiatives and associated demands for reporting and accountability have created the need for nonprofits to build internal capacity for program evaluation. As internal evaluators, we are faced with the challenges of external and internal demands for evaluation data and results. Although our experiences are different (one of us the first and only internal evaluator at a small organization, and the other a part of a large evaluation team), we both agree that successful internal evaluation needs to be participatory and requires support from senior management. This roundtable will be an opportunity for internal and external evaluators at all levels, or anyone whose work involves building internal evaluation capacity, to reflect upon their roles, share and discuss challenges associated with supporting not-for-profit work, and brainstorm strategies to build internal evaluation capacity
Conference presentation on the process of internal evaluation at a transdisciplinary research center. Presentation Abstract: This session will present the development of an internal evaluation regarding faculty involvement in a transdisciplinary research center. As part of the Center for Community Health Development’s internal evaluation, a Centers for Disease Control & Prevention funded Prevention Research Center, the evaluation team conducted surveys and interviews with affiliated Center faculty members
AF Presentation_AEA2012.pdf
Abstract: The classic critique of internal evaluators is that they know more and care more about programs than an external evaluator would; this situation presents them with two special challenges
Although debate encircles external versus internal evaluation, internal evaluation provides benefits to non-profit organizations. Use-focused forms of evaluation (e.g., Alkin, 2010; Patton, 1997) help facilitate program improvement and are an optimal framework for guiding internal evaluation activities. Given that government funding for non-profit programs is limited and focused in evaluations that are required to fulfill contract obligations, formative internal evaluation information can be used to leverage additional support for program operations and responsive growth and development
When Government Funding Is Not Enough_ VOALA.pptx
To address the complexities of evaluation relationships, responsibilities, and relevance, NCIPC recently began writing a guidance document to highlight and standardize project phases, roles, and expectations related to these internal evaluations. NCIPC’s process may serve as a model for other federal programs and organizations seeking to implement and utilize information from internal evaluations
Planning and Conducting Internal Evaluations_SLY_10.25.12_FINAL.pptx
Beyond concerns of evaluating a professional development program in science, the presenters share the internal evaluation process that evolved in their practice where the primacy of stakeholders' interests was given foremost importance
2011AEA_RoughRoad-Internal Evaluation_ICE-TF-KM.pdf