Limited government funding impact non-profit organization's ability to effectively implement programs. Although debate encircles external versus internal evaluation, internal evaluation provides benefits to non-profit organizations. Use-focused forms of evaluation (e.g., Alkin, 2010; Patton, 1997) help facilitate program improvement and are an optimal framework for guiding internal evaluation activities. Given that government funding for non-profit programs is limited and focused in evaluations that are required to fulfill contract obligations, formative internal evaluation information can be used to leverage additional support for program operations and responsive growth and development. A well-known federally supported college preparedness program will be used to illustrate Volunteer's of America Los Angeles' (VOALA) progressive uses of both internal and external evaluation. VOALA used longitudinal data from surveys and focus groups as well as engaged alumni and other stakeholders to develop new program strategies, which would be piloted at five Upward Bound sites and reported on in this presentation. #2011Conference #nonprofitprogramdevelopment #InternalEvaluation