Evaluation capacity building (ECB) is a growing area reflecting an ever increasing expectation of evidence that programs are achieving their goals
Synthesis ECB AEA 11.14.09 Session 734.ppt
This panel presented results from a research study about evaluation capacity building in the NISE Net, a national network supporting informal education about nanoscience
2015 AEA CASNET combined slides.pptx
This leads to a greater demand for evaluation capacity building (ECB) and for evaluating ECB
ECB_Synthesis_AEA 2010_ Labin Duffy Wandersman Meyers.pdf
This document includes notes from the flipchart pages developed by attendees during this session and provides a rich list of criteria for successful use of six different strategies for building evaluation capacity. #capacity #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #HowTo ...
Flipchart Notes from Round Robin Activity 111209.doc
These are the slides from an AEA 2015 presentation. #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #2015Conference #cultureofassessment #AssessmentinHigherEducation
Walser HE ECB AEA2015 FINAL.pdf
The files are the final presentation slides from AEA 2010 Session 521. They include slides for all three presentations: (1) Labin, Duffy, Duncan, and Wandersman (keywords: research synthesis, data synthesis, ECB); (2) Taylor-Ritzler, Suarez-Balcazar, and Garcia-Iriarte (keywords: ECB, models,...
3 attachments
This presentation by Jane Buckley and Thomas Archibald was part of a multipaper session entitled, "Overcoming Organization Culture to Adopt Evaluation Capacity Building," held on Thursday 10/25 at AEA 2012
Buckley & Archibald_Teaching and Promoting ET_AEA 2012.pdf
PowerPoint 2003 version of the slides #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding #Evaluation2009 #2009Conference
The readiness assessment tool for evaluation capacity building is described, including its purposes and applications. The tool is used to obtain information on an organization's and a programs readiness for evaluation capacity building. The development of the tool was informed by Preskill and Boyle’s (2008) multidisciplinary model of evaluation capacity building by exploring leadership, organizational culture, structures and communication
Danseco etal2009 AEA Final.ppt
Practical tips from Public Profit for evaluation capacity building #Eval16 #2016Conference
1_Evaluator as Coach Handout.pdf