This document focuses on behavior change in an evaluation
Tipsheet 12.pdf
Research suggests that multilevel interventions which combine direct education with policy, systems and environmental (PSE) efforts are more effective at generating behavior change. Maryland SNAP-Ed, also known as the Food Supplement Nutrition Education (FSNE) Program, has directed its evaluation efforts to capture PSE changes resulting from multilevel educational interventions
FINAL AEA 2016 presentation.pdf
membership satisfaction and collaborative functioning) and distal outcomes (e.g., behavior change). However, there is a growing understanding of the process by which coalitions contribute to distal outcomes that now includes creating systems/community changes
Building Coalition and Evaluator Evaluation Capacity to Measure FINAL AEA shared file.pptm
The logic model contained two distinct constructs: health behavior change and future planning
Participatory Evaluation in a Program to Promote Well-Aging Among Persons With Intellectual and De.pptx
Combined training/coaching interventions have been increasingly emphasized as an avenue for behavior change compared to training alone
Coaching Log_AEA 2012_V6.pptx
Slides from the 2013 AEA professional development workshop: Introduction to Outcome Mapping: A framework for considering complexity, relationships and context in monitoring and evaluating social change. By Kaia Ambrose and Simon Hearn #QualitativeMethods #AdvocacyandPolicyChange ...
aea slides for sharing1.pptx
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Expert Lecture Sponsored by the Presidential Strand Chair - Gail Barrington, Barrington Research Group Inc Presenter - Melanie Barwick, The Hospital for Sick Children Discussant - Daniel Stufflebeam, Western Michigan University #2011Conference #KnowledgeTranslation
Barwick Evaluation Use and Knowledge Translation v2.pdf
Expansion of poster presentation content. #PaulaMAdams #bystanderintervention #PaulaAdams #2013Conference #selfdeterminationtheory
AEA 2013 poster handout.pdf
PowerPoint presentation given as part of session 811 at AEA 2011 in Anaheim. Session was titled: New Frontiers in International Development Evaluation: Key Challenges and Lessons Learned in Evaluating Online Communities of Practice. Presentation Abstract: The International Program of...
AEA 2011.pptx
All too often evaluations of training programs utilize “customer satisfaction” or “reaction” measures as the primary (or sole) tool for assessing the “effectiveness” of a particular training curriculum. This technique is often woefully inadequate, and does not allow the evaluator to fully...
AEA 2011.pdf