Paper Title: Participatory Evaluation in a Program to Promote Well-Aging Among Persons With Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Presenter: Karen Widmer, Independent Consultant,
Abstract: Participatory evaluation is both socially just and mission-critical for programs aimed at promoting health among adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD). More than most other populations, adults with IDD require a social network (formal or informal) to carry out behaviors that effectively preserve and promote health and well-being. This paper will take an in-depth look at the logic model and participatory tool components designed to evaluate a center of excellence for healthy aging among adults living in group homes. The logic model contained two distinct constructs: health behavior change and future planning. Data collection is being conducted at a third-grade conversation skill level and includes residents, peers, staff, and family members. Without participatory tools adapted for atypical communication styles, persons from this vulnerable population may be denied self-determination. Findings generalize to inclusion of participants of all abilities in evaluations of a wide array of health interventions. #participatory #evaluation #2010Conference