Roundtable Presentation 701 held in the Boardroom on Saturday, Nov 14, 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM Abstract: Many evaluation practitioners have experienced or observed the frustration of attempting to evaluate the effectiveness of a knowledge management (KM) project or initiative
Knowledge Management As A Guerilla Campaign.pptx
The purpose of this research was to develop and investigate the effectiveness of the co-operative learning and learning facilitator's competence based on knowledge management construction model
Integrated knowledge management systems are considered crucial to sustainable evaluation practice that builds organizational learning capacity
KN Flow Anaheim 11 2 11.pptx
To address these challenges, OTI has created innovative tools for monitoring, evaluation, and knowledge management. This panel will discuss some of those tools
FINAL AEA OTI Presentation 10-27-2012.pptx
SenseMakerยฎ helps organizations: focus on shifting impact patterns as perceived by different perspectives generate databases, people's life libraries, that allow SenseMakerยฎ if facilitated and linked to decision makers - creating evidence-based policy generate rolling baselines to continually update evidence base enable cross-silo thinking (including cross-organisational) and overcome narrow understanding of attribution of efforts seek surprise explicitly rather than viewing people's lives through our own concepts more grounded and diverse feedback to donors, thus more local autonomy generating actionable insights, based on very concrete needs, via peer to peer knowledge management. #HowTo #2011Conference #SenseMaker #narratives #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval #Complexity #DiversityandInclusion #Instruments
SenseMaker Guijt Snowden for website.ppt
The term Knowledge Flow represents the dynamic creation and exchange of organizational knowledge across groups, levels, and knowledge forms. This study investigated six exemplary organizations that systematically incorporated knowledge flow into their evaluative decisions. The study...
Knowledge Flow-A Continuous Force in Effective Evaluation.pdf
Nonprofit organizations have become more sophisticated in evaluating and reporting on their effectiveness and impact. However, internal systems often need to be built and maintained to ensure that evaluation information is used to address stakeholder reporting needs and to promote...
AEA_2011.11.02_Promoting Eval Use Joint Presentation_FINAL.pptx
Abstract: How do we measure knowledge sharing in an online collaborative website? This presentation explores how indicators of knowledge sharing in online communities can be identified, measured, and analyzed. Our goal is to improve understanding of the affordances of electronic communities as...
This is the lead article in "Evaluation South Asia," the first professional evaluaiton journal for all countries in South Asia, published in 2008. The article lays out a general struction for developing evaluation as a viable professional field and funciton for the betterment of national...
Pilars of Public Program Evaluation.pdf
These handouts describe our evaluation capacity building model, the knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to ECB, as well as detailed descriptions of several capacity building approaches. #TeachingofEvaluation #2009Conference #evaluation #HowTo #capacity #Evaluation2009 ...
AEA 09 ECB Handouts - Final.doc