Roundtable Presentation 701 held in the Boardroom on Saturday, Nov 14, 9:15 AM to 10:45 AM Abstract: Many evaluation practitioners have experienced or observed the frustration of attempting to evaluate the effectiveness of a knowledge management (KM) project or initiative. This is particularly true 'after the fact' - when an evaluator is consulted to show how effective the implementation has been. Many organizations define successful KM initiatives when an intranet or online knowledge base is launched successfully, has no technical flaws, and is visited by a certain number of users. Few, if any, organizations understand how well KM resources and practices achieve their desired outcomes, which may include increased collaboration or greater innovation and creativity. The proposed roundtable discussion would explore how role evaluators can contribute to and/or lead an organization's effort to understand the impact of KM initiatives. #GovernmentEvaluation #BusinessLeadershipandPerformance #EvaluationUse #2009Conference #IntegratingTechnologyintoEvaluation #Evaluation2009