Tech TIG Home Page

Integrating Technology in Evaluation TIG

We support evaluators to use digital technologies intentionally, effectively, and responsibly.

Join the TIG

Upcoming and Recent Events

October 8, 2024

TIG Annual Meeting - TIG Year in Review and fun tech in eval activities - Register

September 27, 2024

TIG Webinar - Sujan Anreddy, Statewide Programmatic Activity (SPA) - Register

July 26, 2024

TIG Webinar - Taj Carson, Data Warehouse or House of Cards? - Register


April 26, 2024

TIG Webinar - 5 Real-world AI in Evaluation Case Studies using AILYZE

February 23, 2024

TIG Webinar - AEA’s Integrating Technology in Evaluation TIG

December 13, 2023

TIG Webinar - Generative AI in Evaluation Planning. Learn more.

October 20, 2023

TIG Webinar - Using Blockchain for Impact Evaluation, Rebecca Mqamelo. Learn more.

October 19, 2023

TIG Annual Meeting - Come learn about the TIG, volunteer opportunities, and Guest Speaker David Goodman. Learn more. 

October 10-14, 2023

AEA Conference TIG Sessions - See the full list here.  

October 12, 2023

Social Lunch - Meet TIG members at Punch Bowl Social during the conference lunch break.

TIG Fair and Reception - Come meet the TIG Leadership in person at the AEA Conference! 

September 22, 2023

TIG Webinar - Applying ChatGPT on Qualitative Analysis. Learn more

February 21, 2023

TIG Webinar -  ChatGPT and Evaluation, Sylvia Ferretti. Learn more