TIG Annual Meetings

TIG Annual Meetings

Each year the TIG hosts a business meeting to engage members on the work of the TIG.

TIG Annual Meeting 2023


  • Thursday October 19, 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time)


  • Learn about volunteer opportunities
  • Meet like-minded people
  • Guest Speaker: David Goodman


  • Presenter: David Goodman
  • Title: Navigating the Data Sharing Landscape
  • Session topic: The proposed session will focus on unraveling the intricacies of data sharing in the modern research and evaluation landscape. We will examine and discuss the advantages and nuances of ongoing data collaborations and discuss when, where, and why they may prove superior to individual data sharing agreements for researchers and evaluators.
  • Speaker Bio: David Goodman, PhD. is the VP of Learning and Impact at Ajah. David is a data, measurement, evaluation, and governance expert who has used his experience in the public, private, academic, and philanthropic sectors to assist organizations and collaborations to better understand, use, integrate, govern, and share data to achieve individual and collective goals. David currently leads teams involved in national, regional, state, and local data, technical, and governance initiatives and collaborations and specializes in designing, implementing, and sustaining collaborative governance frameworks for cross-sector partners. Prior to his work at Ajah, David was the VP of Data Trusts at Brighthive, the Director of Impact at Fluxx Labs, the Director of Learning and Impact at the Houston Endowment, Managing Director of Data Governance at Teach For America, Researcher for Edvance and the Texas Education Agency. David holds a PhD in political science from Rice University in Houston, Texas and often consults on policy, data, measurement, and governance issues for various state, regional, and national initiatives. 

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