TIG Leadership 2021

TIG Leadership 2021

TIG Co-Chairs

Program Co-Chairs

Web and Communications Team

Strategy for 2021


  1. Become a trusted leader and voice on digital technology and evaluation
  2. Normalize the safe, ethical, effective, intentional and principled use of digital technology in evaluation
  3. Create and maintain a safe space for exploration, discussion, collaboration, and learning about the use of digital technology in evaluation
  4. Improve the uptake of good practices and evidence based approaches to digital technology in evaluation


  1. Become a trusted leader and voice on digital technology and evaluation
    1. Provide useful and relevant guidance, advice, and counsel for practitioners using digital technology in evaluation
    2. Inform and engage AEA members on the historical progression, state of the art and cutting edge issues and debates at the intersection of digital technology and evaluation
    3. Socialize and normalize relevant modern digital technologies amongst evaluators
    4. Collaborate with other actors in the digital technology and evaluation space
    5. Create space and opportunity for diverse and representative leadership in our TIG
  2. Normalize the safe, ethical, effective, intentional and principled use of digital technology in evaluation
    1. Contribute to the establishment of norms and principles for safe, ethical, effective use of digital technologies in evaluation
    2. Challenge norms that contribute to exclusion, bias and harm when integrating digital technology into evaluation
    3. Help evaluators address issues of inclusion when using digital approaches in evaluation
    4. Actively address individual and systemic racism, sexism, gender discrimination, and other forms of exclusion and discrimination internally (in our TIG) and externally (in how we work with others).
  3. Create and maintain a safe space for exploration, discussion, collaboration, and learning about the use of digital technology in evaluation
    1. Build and sustain a respectful, positive, inclusive and welcoming space
    2. Support safe sharing of failures and mistakes in the use of digital approaches in evaluation
    3. Provide professional development and mentoring/ mentorship opportunities
    4. Engage in an exploration of the continuum between evaluation and data science within an ethical framework
    5. Grow and re-activate the TIG membership
  4. Improve the uptake of good practices and evidence based approaches to digital technology in evaluation
    1. Support and encourage documentation of experiences, good practices and lessons learned about integrating digital technology into evaluation to improve the evidence base
    2. Collect, synthesize, and share current research about tech-enabled evaluation and track its evolution.
    3. Produce and/or curate practical guidance, toolkits, and templates for digital approaches to evaluation
    4. Seek collaborative research and evaluation opportunities, including with other TIGs

Themes for 2021

  • Digital inclusion and equity
  • Thought leaders in Tech/Eval
  • Systems of TIG function
  • Collaborate/ build partnerships
  • Creating space for exploration, learning, and collaboration
  • Build Community