Leadership Roles and Responsibilities

Leadership Roles &

The STEM Education and Training TIG leadership team organizes and facilitates the ongoing business of the TIG. The leadership team is responsible for the following key activities each year:

  • Hold an annual business meeting with elections at the AEA conference.
  • Coordinate STEM education evaluation program sessions at the AEA conference.
  • Conduct professional development activities for TIG members.
  • Maintain a website of online opportunities and resources.
  • Communicate opportunities and resources to TIG members.

Annual Elections

The STEM Education and Training TIG elects its leadership team every year. All elected leaders will serve in a two-year rotation, first as an incoming leader and in the subsequent year as the current leader in the role. During the first year of the two-year term, Incoming Chairs and Webmasters will assist the Current Chair or Webmaster, in preparation for taking on those duties in a primary position in the following year. As a result, 

Other volunteers are welcome to serve on the leadership team and contribute to the efforts and activities, as Members at Large, at the discretion of the Chair. Those who are interested but not able to commit to joining the leadership team are also welcome to participate in leadership team telecons and other activities on an ad hoc basis, again at the discretion of the chair.

Leadership Roles & Responsibilities

TIG Chair

  • Responsibilities = Leads a monthly one hour meeting with the leadership team and is the primary contact for AEA leadership throughout the year.
  • Tasks = Plan agendas based on the AEA calendar and the needs and interests of the group; schedule and send reminder emails to the leadership team; lead TIG meetings; attend happy hour and discussion sessions, attends quarterly meetings hosted by AEA, coordinate AEA365 STEM TIG Week blog submissions.
  • Term = 2 years (first year Incoming, second year Chair)
  • Time commitment = 4 hours/month (Chair); 2 hours/month (Incoming)

Program Chair

  • Responsibilities = Coordinates the planning, development, and implementation of the TIG’s program at the annual meeting. This includes leading the conference proposal review process.
  • Tasks = Recruit volunteer reviewers; assign reviewers to proposals; report proposal reviews to AEA; attend AEA quarterly meetings for TIG leadership; attend TIG meetings.
  • Term = 3 years (first two years Incoming, third year Chair)
  • Time commitment = 10-12 hours/month from April to June (Chair and Incoming); 2 to 3 hours/month for the rest of the year

Discussion Chair

  • Responsibilities = Organizes and leads virtual discussion sessions each year.
  • Tasks = Recruit speakers; facilitate the events; schedule and announce events to TIG members; attend TIG meetings.
  • Term = 2 years (first year Incoming, second year Chair)
  • Time commitment = 4 hours/month (Chair); 2 hours/month (Incoming)

Social Chair

  • Responsibilities = Organizes and leads virtual happy hours each year, and may help plan a social event during the annual meeting.
  • Tasks = Facilitate the events; schedule and announce events to TIG members; attend TIG meetings.
  • Term = 2 years (first year Incoming, second year Chair)
  • Time commitment = 2 hours/month (Chair); 1 hour/month (Incoming)


  • Responsibilities = Manages the STEM TIG webpages on the AEA website.
  • Tasks = Edit content to keep the website up to date and in order; attend TIG meetings.
  • Term = 2 years (first year Incoming, second year Webmaster)
  • Time commitment = 3 hours/month (Chair); 1 hour/month (Incoming)

    LinkedIn & Twitter Lead

    • Responsibilities = Manages the STEM TIG's LinkedIn and Twitter accounts.
    • Tasks = Post announcements and invites to TIG events; Manage group membership; Re-tweet STEM-related information and strategic #hashtagging of STEM-related organizations or groups; Encourage TIG members to respond and retweet; attend TIG meetings.
    • Term = 1 year
    • Time commitment = 2 hours/month (Chair); 1 hour/month (Incoming)

    Member at Large

    • Responsibilities = Contribute to conversations led by the Leadership team
    • Tasks = Attend TIG meetings.
    • Term = 1 year
    • Time commitment = 2 hours/month