Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people are included - but often invisible - in many evaluations. In light of increased federal attention to LGBT-specific data collection and the growing awareness of disparities faced by this population, evaluators must be prepared to consider how...
Dont Ask Cant Report for AEA12 Final Public.pptx
Evaluation has the opportunity and, arguably, the responsibility to promote inclusion of varied, diverse stakeholders whose values and voices are often ignored in traditional evaluation contexts. By including diverse perspectives in our work, evaluators can redistribute power in both informal...
2 attachments
Slides from each of three presenters: Tracy Hobson: CAAV description; Role of evaluation in program and fund development; Evaluation partnership Anita Baker: Evaluation design, evaluation partnership Jamie Bassell: First year findings, features and challenges; how CAAV has...
Session Abstract: This paper demonstrates how activists on the ground and their funding partners can both benefit from an evaluation process by describing an evaluative base-line study on advancing sexual orientation and gender identity work in Kenya. Several donors worked collaboratively with a...
This paper is a "must read" for any evaluator who works with programs that may have lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgendered persons, or persons questioning their sexual orientation. Asking questions on sexual orientation is not only necessary for scientific, practical, and policy purposes, but...
Sexual orientation on surveys 09.pdf
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This hands-on skill-building workshop will help participants understand how an intercultural framework (the Cultural Detective(tm) series) can enhance professional practice. The Cultural Detective(tm) is a collaboration of over 120 experts worldwide and provides a just-in-time resource for...
AEA Pres4upload.ppt
Thank you for joining me at this Presidential Strand Session at Evaluation 2011! The session was very experiential, with about half PowerPoint presentation. These are the handouts; I trust you will put them to good use. The full cultural differences article can be found at http://www...
AEA Pres Handouts1.pdf
This presentation examines the efficacy and effectiveness of a Centers of Disease Control and Prevention evidence based intervention (3MV) aimed toward lowering HIV/STI rates among Men Who Sleep with Men (MSM) of color (Hispanic and African American. Literature on this population suggests that...
AEA_2010_presentation_CS-MH 11 24 10.pdf
Handouts for this Coffee Break Webinar are attached and publicly downloadable. Click here to access a recording of this coffee break webinar. Webinar recordings are available to AEA members only and you will be asked to sign in. Webinar Description: Evaluators know that sexual...
Asking LGBTQQI1.pptx
This PowerPoint presentation was presented at the 2010 AEA Conference in San Antonio (Panel Session 891) by Funders for LGBTQ Issues, LFA Group: Learning for Action, and jcdPartnerships. It describes how evaluation was integrated into a pilot project, led by Funders for LGBTQ Issues, through...
Thinking Outside of the Evaluation Report Box_Creating a Structural Change Grantmaking Resource Gu.ppt