This session at AEA 2015 explored various challenges and elements of evaluating multi-stakeholder advocacy efforts. It approached the topic from a variety of angles, including research on how advocates see their own network and coalition work; examination of contribution analysis and how to...
AEA 2015 Session 2063 Advocacy as a Team Game Evaluating Multi stakeholder advocacy efforts.pdf
CIFF seeks a researcher to conduct a learning review of a diarrhea treatment program that the Micronutrient Initiative and the Government of Bihar conducted from 2010-2015. Please see TOR and annexes for more information. Contact Ms. Shilpa Chawla ( with any questions. ...
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To achieve key national security objectives, the U.S. government and the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) must communicate effectively and credibly with a broad range of foreign audiences. DoD spends more than $250 million per year on inform, influence, and persuade (IIP) efforts, but how...
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In 2001 the Minnesota Legislature established the Eliminating Health Disparities Initiative mandating the allocation of competitive grants to local programs to close the gap in the health status of African Americans/Africans, American Indians, Asian Americans, and Hispanic/Latinos in Minnesota...
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Improve Group panel presentation on major dilemmas and we addressed them in two projects focused on research advocacy and environmental advocacy. #AdvocacyandPolicyChange #2014Conference #MixedMethodsEvaluation #OrganizationalLearningandEvalCapacityBuilding
Improve Group_Evaluating-Advocacy.pdf
Presentation from AEA 2014. #AdvocacyandPolicyChange #InternalEvaluation #2014Conference #Research,Technology,andDevelopmentEval #MixedMethodsEvaluation #SystemsinEvaluation #InternationalandCross-CulturalEval
Huntoon Sustainable Evaluation in Sustainability Research.pdf
Legislation and policy are valuable strategies for social change, since these population-based interventions often outlast funding and program cycles. As a result, policies and governance documents are adopted and implemented in typical evaluation contexts, including health, education and human...
Panel slides from a discussion of advocacy for the use of randomized controlled trials to determine federal program effectiveness since early in the Bush Administration through the present day. The presenter discusses the extent to which such advocacy has become bipartisan, as well as some...
Panel Slides - Rushing to Randomize.pdf
Summary of draft paper presented at the AEA conference 2014: Over the last decade and a half, the nonprofit sector has been strongly influenced by two parallel movements: calls to increase accountability of nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) on one hand, and efforts to enhance learning and...
#2014Conference #AdvocacyandPolicyChange #2014 Conference
Use of Goal Attainment Scaling - AEA 2014.pdf