Materials for skil-building session presented at 2013 AEA Conference in Washington DC. #bogatova #valuestream #lean #processflow #processimprovement #Instruments #miller
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This presentation outlines a framework from which to assess value-added for partnership-related activities during the various stages of a partnership, from formation to management. Partnerships are explored from two angles: the project; and, the partnership, itself. Early and consistent...
DETERMINING THE ADDED-VALUE OF PARTNERSHIPS, Vivienne J Wildes AEA conference presentation.pptx
A paper with power-point presentation depicting research conducted at the US Army School for Command Preparation. The purpose of the Army School for Command Preparation (SCP) - Tactical Commander Development Program is to instruct new Brigade and Battalion Commanders in leadership and tactical...
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The purpose of the Army School for Command Preparation (SCP) - Tactical Commander Development Program is to instruct new Brigade and Battalion Commanders in leadership and tactical skills prior to taking over a new command. In the past a Pre - Post Course Survey using nominal 1 - 5 item...
Which criteria should be used to select higher performing schools? The assessment of statistical significance helps researchers summarize the evidence against a null hypothesis. However, it is not always a simple task to discern the true meaning or value of the results of null hypothesis...
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"Value" can be understood as referring not only to what the outcomes of a good or service are likely to be, but also to how those outcomes compare to what we anticipate sacrificing to achieve those outcomes. This form of evaluation compares the worth of outcomes to the worth of resources...
Valuing and Cost-Inclusive Evaluation.pdf