The Program Evaluation Standards, issued by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, aim to enhance the quality of the professional practice of evaluation
Hense - PES model v6_web1.pdf
One-page handout about Meaningful Evidence's evaluation of the Howard University PAC-Involved project, a STEM Education Topical Interest Group Exemplar Evaluation for the American Evaluation Association 2015 Conference (Chicago, November 2015)
PAC-Involved Evaluation handout AEA2015.pdf
Less clear was how the school's project-based learning would in the short term improve student scores on standardized tests
Defining Actions and Values.pptx
Expansion of poster presentation content. #PaulaMAdams #bystanderintervention #PaulaAdams #2013Conference #selfdeterminationtheory
AEA 2013 poster handout.pdf
Evaluators commonly struggle with defining and measuring child welfare outcomes...In addition, data limitations, funder interests, and program mandates often cause the evaluation focus to shift to intermediate outcomes, delaying examination of higher-level outcomes
2 attachments
See matching library entry files - There are three central aspects of this perspect...
Presentation given at AEA annual conference in 2009 describing results of dissertation research on how evaluators' principles and social capital influence resource decisions, broadly defined
Crohn AEA 2009 - Dissertation final - MS PPT 2003 version.ppt
This session demonstrates how a diagnostic tool, known as evaluability assessment (EA), can be leveraged to capture the conceptualization and logical structure (aka: program theory) embedded within academic programs. Participants will learn about EA and observe how it generates practical graphic models of how a learning intervention works; guides question formation for formative or summative purposes; and, informs the design of useable evaluation(s) that capture varying levels of impact
Demo Session 317_10 25 2012 Evaluability Assessment.pptx
Evaluation theories are models for evaluation practice
An Empirical Review of Theory-Driven Evaluation Practice from 1980-2008.pdf
Considering organizational communication in program evaluation to improve process and outcomes The success of evaluation conducted in cross-disciplinary environments is dependent upon attention to such steps as articulation and alignment of goals, the setting of evaluation questions, data collection, and reporting and utilizing results
Considering organizational communication in program evaluation to improve process and outcomes.pdf
A Two-Phase, Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating and Improving an Innovative Program Model: The PAC-Involved Evaluation. Ignite Presentation, STEM Education and Training track. Evaluation 2015 (American Evaluation Association annual conference)
A Two-Phase, Mixed Methods Approach to Evaluating.pdf