AEA Conference 2013; Multipaper Session 476; Session Title: Methods for the Evaluation of Vulnerable Populations; Sponsored by the Assessment in Higher Education TIG; Friday, Oct 18, 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM #synthesis #AssessmentinHigherEducation #2013Conference
2013-09-26_RDESP Citation AEA presentation FINAL.pdf
The Swiss Innovation Agency CTI has administrated its collaborative research funding scheme since the early 1980s. Between 1989 and 2002 the scheme was evaluated 14 times. In a study combining meta-evaluation and evaluation synthesis, these evaluations were evaluated against selected evaluation...
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The panel addresses the major components in the cycle of developing evidence-based policy and practice. The synthesis method, the core methodology to aggregate findings for evidence-based practice reviews, is defined and various types of syntheses will be compared. Using results from synthesis...
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The pressure for evidence-based practice continues to burgeon and create expectations for organizations to engage in evaluation. This leads to a greater demand for evaluation capacity building (ECB) and for evaluating ECB. This study uses research synthesis, a core methodology used for current...
ECB_Synthesis_AEA 2010_ Labin Duffy Wandersman Meyers.pdf
The files are the final presentation slides from AEA 2010 Session 521. They include slides for all three presentations: (1) Labin, Duffy, Duncan, and Wandersman (keywords: research synthesis, data synthesis, ECB); (2) Taylor-Ritzler, Suarez-Balcazar, and Garcia-Iriarte (keywords: ECB, models,...
Evaluation capacity building (ECB) is a growing area reflecting an ever increasing expectation of evidence that programs are achieving their goals. ECB is also reflective of the shift towards participatory evaluation methods. A logic model is used to integrate existing theory and frameworks. The...
Synthesis ECB AEA 11.14.09 Session 734.ppt